Agreement reached in San Francisco schools negotiation
Strike averted

SFUSD Board Members and United Educators convene at SFUSD headquarters
to announce they have reached an agreement. The labor agreement
averts a strike but details of the agreement remain undisclosed.
Both sides report being "happy"
with the agreement.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
April 11, 2006, 12:30 p.m.
The United Educators of San Francisco and the San Francisco Unified
School District reached agreement at 6:00 a.m. this morning averting
a strike.
Details of the agreement will not be released until "the
end of this week," union president Dennis Kelly said in a
noon press conference.

United Educators Union President, Dennis Kelly
Kelly added he expects the union executive council to confirm
the agreement at that time.
School Board president Norman Yee reported that 'happiness' was
the keyword across negotiating table this morning.

SFUSD Board President Norman Yee and SFUSD Superintendent Gwen
"This settlement averts a strike and grants out teachers
and paraprofessionals a well deserved raised," stated Yee.
"We have also preserved the fiscal solvency of the District
but in doing so will have to make cuts or receive additional revenue
of over $6 million for the next school year and over $13 million
for the 2007-2008 school year.
"I would like to thank all the members of the board, our
staff, and the UESF leadership who made this settlement possible.
"I would especially like to thank ours state mediator Paul
Roose who kept both sides bargaining in good faith throughout
the night and into the morning.
"I look forward to working with Dennis Kelly and Linda Plack
and the UESF leadership to secure a parcel tax which will hopefully
provide the adequate funding for our schools that Sacramento has
failed to deliver."
Kelly praised union members, the negotiating team and School
Superintendent Gwen Chan.
"We have averted a strike in the San Francisco Public Schools,"
Kelly began.
"This agreement recognizes the hard work of San Francisco's
committed paraprofessionals, the teachers, the counselors, the
nurses - all of the different school workers who go into the large
educational family of the San Francisco Unified School District.
"This contract reflects a commitment on the part of this
administration to show respect for teachers, paras, and all other
school workers.
"I would like to say that we are particularly grateful to
Superintendent Chan in this particular round of negotiations.
"We fervently believe that her involvement made the settlement
that we were able to come to possible."
Chan returned gratitude to union negotiators.
"My personal thanks to Dennis, and to Linda, and the UESF
negotiating team," Chan replied.
"Having gone through the ranks myself I know how hard our
faculty and staff work.
"I am so glad that we're able to wind up with this long
overdue raise and strong, strong benefit package."

Mayor Newsom issued a statement commending both parties.
"I want to commend the San Francisco Unified School District
and the United Educators of San Francisco for agreeing on a tentative
contract that is both fair and equitable.
"This agreement reinforces both parties continued commitment
to serve the children of San Francisco and as a result, avoid
a strike which would have greatly impacted our city.
"Their ability to negotiate in good faith and to reach this
agreement brings relief to the 56,000 children and their families.
"Throughout the process, I've been in close communication
with the leadership of the school district and the United Educators
of San Francisco and remained optimistic.
I'm proud that this issue has been tentatively resolved and that
we can get back to our primary focus, educating our children."