From the San Francisco Small Business Commission
December 12, 2005, 5:30 p.m.
The City of San Francisco's Small Business Commission (SBC) on
Monday, December 12 will hear Supervisor Tom Ammiano's proposed
Health Care Security Act that was introduced on November 22. The
meeting will be held at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Room 400. The public
is encouraged to attend and share their thoughts on the proposal,
especially small business owners who may be impacted.
Supervisor Ammiano's legislation would require San Francisco
businesses with 20 or more employees to pay a fee to provide health
benefits for their employees that work 80 hours or more per month.
The legislation first calls for a Board appointed seven-member
Task Force to study the amount of the fee for health care, as
well as an additional fee to pay for the administration of the
new law. This is the first SBC hearing on the proposal since the
legislation was introduced.
This meeting will be the first Small Business Commission meeting
to be broadcasted live on SFGTV, San Francisco Cable Channel 26.
This is in due part to SBC's effort to reach out to the City's
small business constituents who are unable to attend the meetings.
"Televising our meetings is only the first of a series of
public outreach efforts the Commission will be undertaking over
the next year," states Executive Director, Agnes Briones
Ubalde, " Supervisor Ammiano's proposed healthcare legislation
is just one of many critical pieces of legislation affecting the
small business community, and we want to provide a portal for
education, awareness and relevant input."
The seven-member Chartered Small Business Commission (SBC) was
established to respond and advocate for the needs of small business.
The SBC functions as the city's central point of information and
referral for small business located in the City and County of
San Francisco. By championing "business friendly" policies,
the SBC works to support and enhance an environment where small
businesses can succeed and flourish.
For more information, contact Agnes Briones Ubalde 415- 554-6101.