Hillary won New Hampshire?

Not so fast, lady...
By Terry Canaan,
special to Fog City Journal
January 10, 2007
Hillary Clinton won the Democratic primary in New Hampshire Tuesday.
Well, the popular vote anyway. But when you look at the numbers
that -- oh, what's the word -- count... Well, not so much.
New Hampshire's not a winner-take-all primary and delegates to
the national convention are divvied proportionately. When the
smoke cleared, Clinton had 9 delegates, Obama had 9, and Edwards
scored 4. For all intents and purposes, New Hampshire was a tie.
Still, you know what they say, "Tying is better than losing."
They also say it's like kissing your sister. (AP,
via reddit)
Headline of the day
"2 bring corpse to store to cash check." David J. Dalaia
and James O'Hare used an office chair to roll Virgilio Cintron's
body to a NYC Pay-O-Matic -- a check cashing store -- in order
to cash his Social Security check. According to the report, a
witness "saw the two pushing the chair with Cintron flopping
from side to side and the two individuals propping him up and
keeping him from flopping from side to side." Unpleasant...
Anyhoo, they got to the store, parked the body outside, and went
in to cash the $355 check. "The store's clerk, who knew Cintron,
asked the men where he was," the report reads, "And
O'Hare told the clerk they would go and get him." Yeah, they
were going to roll the dead guy in and pretend he was alive or
something. It wasn't the world's most cunning plan. Apparently
they'd seen Weekend at Bernie's once, which is one too
many times.
Meanwhile, a police detective having lunch next door noticed
a crowd gathering around the Pay-O-Matic and investigated, reporting
that it was "immediately apparent" that Cintron had
expired. More cops and EMT's were just arriving when O'Hare and
Dalaia came out to wheel the stiff in for whatever the hell they
had in mind. Both were arrested and charged with check fraud.
It's a good thing that the cops showed up when they did or the
HotD might've been, "2 put on world's most nightmarish puppet
show." (AP)
Update on the Alan Keyes machine
Stephen Stone, CEO of Alan Keyes for President, blasted the RNC
and the Iowa GOP for keeping Keyes out of the Iowa caucuses. Stone
said the party was "motivated by bias against him -- in a
way that is un-American and contrary to democratic principles...
In our judgment, the tactics we've witnessed by the state party
are reminiscent of 'communist-style' electoral politics."
Yeah, that's what I thought -- first time anyone's ever
accused the Republican party of being commie. In an article at
ChristianNewsWire.com, Stone spells out his charges, which include,
"The Iowa GOP continues to exclude Keyes as a candidate on
their website -- as well as exclude his vote totals -- as though
his candidacy doesn't exist."
It kind of doesn't exist. Do I need to remind anyone that
the "Draft Alan Keyes" campaign was initiated by --
*ahem*, well -- Alan Keyes? Awkward...
If he got any delegates at all, I'd be surprised. Maybe they
aren't listing his vote totals because there aren't any vote totals.
There weren't any votes.
Seriously, the only purpose Alan Keyes serves is to make sure
Duncan Hunter doesn't score dead last. (ChristianNewsWire.com,
via Right
Wing Watch)
Terry Canaan is a former political fundraiser living and writing
in Wisconsin. He publishes the blog "Griper