Photo by Jack
Huynh, Orange
The Teen Queen
By Jordanna Thigpen
April 14, 2006
It's time for this country to grow up.
Has it gotten to you yet? Waking up every day and watching Mornings
on 2, picking up the Chronicle from your porch or the hallway
outside your door, taking a copy of the Examiner from the stand
on your way to work and assimilating American culture... and just
not feeling that there are enough italics or CAPITALS in
the entire world to express the rage, vehemence and breathless
pallor that you're feeling (all in the same moment) about the
sorry state of our union.
It started in 2000 with the well-financed Broadway hit, sadly
destined for an eight-year run: A Marionette Goes To Town.
Starring, the marionette we all know and detest, the marionette
made to look precisely like a chimpanzee that had lost its bananas
from too many years in an isolated lab cage, with too many days
of its parietal lobe exposed for testing the latest formula of
Revlon ColorStay foundation.
We have had electronic voting machines (the 2000 election, the
2004 election), the forced resignation of Victor Baird of the
Senate Ethics Committee, War on Terror, the Valerie Plame
leak, Tom Delay, Duke Cunningham, War on Terror Ad Nauseum,
and phone-jamming. We have had those g-damn little smirks and
the feckless gleam in those beady little eyes for going on six
years. We have had a vast and increasing deficit. We have had
endless war-profiteering in which we are admittedly made darkly
complicit because it drives our hegemony, our standard of living,
and keeps us in proverbial silk right here in our sacred Democratic
We have been juvenile.
It is time for all Americans to stand together, rich and poor,
Democratic, Republican, and Green. It is time for us to graduate
from high school and elect a Democratic Congress in November 2006.
The hallmark of American democracy has always been our individualism.
This is both our greatest attribute, and singularly has already
begun to seed our own destruction. We are each talented, beautiful,
brilliant - and we know it. As Americans, we really believe
that each of us can be our very own Idol.
The Republican Party is the Party of I. As a Republican,
I am powerful, I am wealthy, I am fabulous
even though every time I reach into my wallet, I pull out money
that is dripping in crimson.
The Democratic Party is the Party of We. We are
in this together, we are suffering shared social problems for
which we must all be responsible; we don't need
to agree on a single goal because there's something for everyone.
For a nation of individualists, which has been more attractive?
Every American has been rendered void, irrelevant, by the current
administration. Do you have a voice left in you? Can you say you
have done your part to oppose the Culture of Corruption? What
can we do besides watch the latest installment of Marionettes
Gone Wild and feel that hot rush of rage, just like a first
run of China White, pure and deadly, taking maybe four hours off
our lives every time we pick up a newspaper or turn on the TV?
Where is your outrage? It's time to own it.
If we are really Americans, if we have any bit of that bright
and gorgeous optimism left in us, then by God, by Allah, let us
stand in unity and beat the living hell out of the sadistic war
profiteers that are running our country into the ground. Let us
rise up and take back the House and the Senate. Let us ensure
that only Democrats are serving as Secretaries of State, and let
us engage in a massive reform of our voting technology and mandate
optical scan ballots, with each Secretary of State united around
the common cause.
The Republican Party has proven one thing over the past six years:
it is the Party of our collective adolescence.
True, adolescence is a necessary part of development. Ladies
and gentlemen, did you ever run amok as a teenager? If you didn't
have the lonely sordid pleasure of doing so, might I say that
you are finally getting your chance, just by being an American
in this time.
But teenagers, even wild ones, grow up.
District 6 resident Jordanna Thigpen is an attorney, small
business owner and President of the San Francisco Small Business
Commission. You can usually find her at work and she doesn't get
to Ocean Beach often enough. Email Jordanna at jgthigpen@gmail.com.