Treasure Island Development Authority board
eyes new high-density development plan
- Daly questions timing of plan announcement
- Hall's severance discussions tabled

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
November 9, 2005
The Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA)
board met today. On the board's agenda was a presentation of a
revised land use and open space plan for Treasure Island.
The new plan, hailed as "a huge leap forward" by board
member Jesse Blout, calls for increased housing density, a new
ferry terminal, overflow parking, and an organic farm.
According to the developer - with nods from board members Blout,
Matt Franklin, and Jared Blumenfeld - it is necessary to increase
housing density on the island to make the economics of a grocery
store, and other sustainable businesses, favorable for investment.
"The more people we can get out there, the more this can
work", beamed Blumenfeld.
Other details of the plan include a grid rotation proposal for
wind and natural light considerations, wind-breaking parks, and
renewable energy sources.
Transportation details are still being worked out, but Cohen
reported a transportation plan will be available in December.

Michael Cohen, Director of Base Reuse Development
The high density housing plan calls for up to 30% affordable
housing, reported Cohen, and will consist of a variety of housing
products including high-rise residential housing to help reduce
financial risks.
Several board members and District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly, who
sat ex-officio during the presentation, echoed support for the
high-rise construction proposal.
"I don't have issues supporting high rise development,"
Daly said.
Daly did, however, take issue with timing of the plan's announcement.
"The timing of this is unfortunate. There is a political
"This got sprung on us out of nowhere", Daly added.
"I'm not supporting any term sheet at the Board of Supervisors
unless the developer has paid the money they owe the city,"
he continued.

District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly
Following the new development plan presentation, the TIDA board
went into closed session to discuss possible litigation by Tony
Hall against the City regarding calculation of Hall's severance
When the board returned after closed session, motions were made
to table the agenda items relating to Hall's severance.

Tony Hall