TIDA board to consider dismissing Tony Hall
October 7, 2005, 3:00 p.m.
The Treasure Island Development Authority (TIDA) board of directors
will consider dismissal of TIDA executive director Tony Hall at
its October 12 meeting.

TIDA Executive Director Tony Hall
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
board agenda was revised this afternoon to include "Public
Employee Release/Dismissal, possible termination of employment
agreement without cause."
TIDA has only one employee - Tony Hall.
Hall's contract calls for 18 month salary payment for termination
without cause. His annual salary is $159,998.
"Obviously we just learned of this today," Hall's press
officer Frank Gallagher said. Gallagher is an employee of the
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency, an entity separate from TIDA.

Frank Gallagher
"Apparently this item proposed terminating executive director
Tony Hall without cause was put on the agenda at the behest of
several members of the TIDA board of directors.
"Again, I don't know who that was specifically, but that
was what I was told.
"I must say that I'm gravely surprised because by all accounts
the executive director Tony Hall and the staff out here have been
doing a great job.
"In fact, I have letters attesting to that fact from the
United States Navy and the developer I'd love to share with you.
"I sincerely hope that this proposed action, that's all
it is at this time - a proposed action - is not related to the
fact that executive director Hall recommended against extending
the exclusive negotiating agreement with Treasure Island community
" stated Gallagher.