Property management specialist appointed to improve
City services for Treasure Island residents

Mirian Saez appointed as Director of Treasure Island Operations.
Photo courtesy Mayor's Office of Communications
By Pat Murphy
August 10, 2006
Mayor Newsom projected improved City services for Treasure Island
residents with the Wednesday appointment of Mirian Saez as director
of island operations.
The position is newly created and follows recommendation of a
management audit committee, Newsom said.
Audit committee members made a series of recommendations for
structural reorganization of the island's administration, including
placing functional oversight of Treasure Island under the City
Administrator and creation of the director of Island operations
position to manage day-to-day operations on behalf of Treasure
Island Development Authority (TIDA).
Hiring Saez is the final step in the implementation committee
recommendations drawn to improve municipal service delivery for
island residents, the mayor noted.
Newsom reported Saez has 20 years experience in property and
asset management and development.
He cited Saez' professionalism.
"My first duty is to the residents of the island, and I
am committed to bringing the highest level of professionalism
to serving the community," continued Newsom
"I am excited to have a role in fulfilling the incredible
potential of Treasure Island.
"Mirian's experience in property management, and her commitment
to our vision of Treasure Island as among the greenest, most sustainable
communities in the country, makes her the right choice for the
Treasure Island redevelopment is managed by the Mayor's Office
Base Reuse and Real Estate Development.
May 2005 to Deputy Director of Real Estate - Port of San Francisco
Present San Francisco, California
Direct and manage the commercial leasing, asset management and
property management affairs of the Real Estate Division. The Division
generates a majority of the Port's revenue for operations and
capital improvements from its 550 leases and licenses along waterfront.
Charged with improving the transparency of transactions and updating
the business practices of the Division, the following actions
were implemented in the past year: developed policies and procedures
to improve present day operation with new lease language and business
practices, reorganized the staff of 18 to focus on maximizing
revenue opportunities and instituted cross-training of support
staff. Additionally, commissioned market studies for best use
of property in northern and southern waterfront, focused on reducing
Port risk through lease enforcement, and developed employee Work
Plans that will serve as a quantifiable tool for evaluation of
employee performance.
March 2003 to Interim Executive Director - Chester Housing
September 2004 Chester, Pennsylvania
Responsible for the day to day operations of Authority's assets
and housing
assistance programs. Supervised and coordinated 72 employees in
their delivery of property management and client services. Maintained
working relationships with resident leaders, public officials
and community partners. Developed and assisted in the education
and training of a six member Board of Commissioners. Formulated
budgets and polices to align programs with the goals of the agency.
Was instrumental in securing a $20 million HUD HOPE VI grant for
the redevelopment of a senior high-rise building and with commercial
May 1997 to Executive Vice President and Business Partner
September 2004 Rosenberg Housing Group, New York City, New York
-- Asset management and consulting firm with a primary focus
on housing
management and development. Responsibilities included marketing
and sales, contract negotiations and closings. Principal for property
management contracts with the Chicago Housing Authority, the New
York City Housing Authority, the Newark Housing Authority and
the Detroit Housing Authority. Managed 1,400 units of distressed
and poor performing properties plagued with high vacancies, uncollected
rents and crime. Post-contract award responsibilities included
recruiting and hiring, supervising on-site staff in meeting performance
goals, creating site-based management and maintenance plans, formulating
operating and capital budgets, and developing improvement plans
for contract compliance.
-- Also included in the RHG management portfolio is the formerly
troubled Chester Housing Authority with over 3,200 housing units.
Responsible to the court appointed Federal Receiver for the implementation
of the recovery plan. Supervised, directed and coached the management
and maintenance staff, developed policy and standard operating
procedures, and cured HUD management and audit findings. Rehabilitated
and/or constructed four residential properties with HOPE VI funds,
leveraged with capital funds and tax credits. Improved management
performance score from 34 to 92.
-- The RHG also performs management assessments and develops
improvement plans of small and troubled housing authorities under
a contract with the Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Additionally, RHG is part of the HOPE VI development and property
management teams in Detroit, Michigan, Jersey City, New Jersey,
and Sarasota, Florida.
March 2002 to Member and Vice President, Board of Education
April 2005 District of Columbia, Washington, DC
Appointed to an At-Large position of the nine member Board of
Education by Mayor Anthony Williams. Responsible for the performance
of the Superintendent Public Schools and the supervision of the
Executive Director of Public Charter Schools. Policy making Board
focused on improving the academic performance of the school system
and the rebuilding of deteriorated school buildings guided by
the implementation of a Strategic Business Plan, an Educational
Reform Plan and a Master Facilities Plan. As Vice President, responsible
to the Board President as the "whip", assuring the dissemination
of information and gaining acceptance of required votes for passage
of policies. Responsible for the successful negotiation of the
new superintendent employment contract. Former Co-Chair of the
Finance and Facilities Committee with annual operating and grant
budgets approaching one billion dollars; and annual capital funds
for modernization, component replacement, mandates and maintenance
exceeding $110 million dollars. Liaison to the Mayor's office.
Sept. 1996 to Vice President - Grenadier Realty Corporation
May 1997 Brooklyn, New York
Third largest asset and property management company in New York
City with growing public housing portfolio, Grenadier recruited
me as the first manager of the newly created public housing division.
Grenadier's portfolio consisted of distressed properties. Responsible
for the portfolio's development and management. Successful in
winning two additional management contracts, one with the Chicago
Housing Authority and one with the District of Columbia Housing
Authority. Total public housing units under management: 3,700.
Formulated operating budgets, determined staffing needs and assisted
on-site staff with planning and organizing specific tasks related
to performance improvement plans. Maintained a working relationship
with the local HUD Field Office, HUD Washington, city officials
and housing authority staff.
September 1996 Election Supervisor - Organization for Security
Cooperation in Europe, United Nations
One of a hundred United States members of the international team
responsible for preparation, supervision, and monitoring of the
first democratic election held in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Responsibilities:
supervised seven polling stations, assured physical compliance
with established standards, monitored local registration process
and polling staff, coordinated and checked on the deployment of
elections supplies and secured materials, answered queries and
solved problems concerning the voting process. Also supervised,
coordinated and assisted in the counting and disposition of ballot
December 1995 to Director - Office of Rental Assistance, US
Department of HUD September 2006 Office of Public and Indian Housing,
Washington, DC
Responsible for supervising the overall management and development
activities of the various Section 8 Rental Assistance programs
which served
approximately 1.4 million families. Implemented policies, guidelines
procedures for program administration and financial management;
developed training programs for Headquarter staff and Section
8 administrators; coordinated efforts of Headquarters staff and
51 field offices.
March 1996 to Acting Director - Office of Public Housing
August 1996 San Juan, Puerto Rico
-- On detail to the HUD Caribbean Field Office for the specific
purpose of providing hands-on assistance to improve the performance
of the Puerto Rico Public Housing Administration (PRPHA), a troubled
housing authority with 57,000 public housing units. Duties related
to HUD's goals included supervising the field staff, strategic
planning with PRPHA, and providing direct technical assistance
training to PRPHA's 18 private asset management companies and
12 resident management corporations.
-- Other duties included; overseeing of 78 Puerto Rico municipalities
responsible for administering the Section 8 tenant-based program
to 27,500 families; and monitoring the Virgin Islands Housing
Authority' s assisted housing programs and hurricane disaster
relief programs.
Sept. 1993 to Special Assistant - Office of Public Housing
December 1995 Washington, D.C.
-- Clinton Administration appointee responsible to the Assistant
Secretary of Public Housing in furthering the goals of the department
through the development of public housing policy. Other duties
included assuring staff completion of tasks and troubleshooting;
point of contact person for 3,400 public housing authorities and
inquiries of a program or policy nature; and liaison with the
Federal Housing Administration, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity
and Community Planning Department assistant secretaries.
January 1985 to Ex. Director - Cambridge Metropolitan Housing
Authority September 1993 Cambridge, Ohio
-- Responsible to five-member Board of Directors for supervising
and coordinating the operation of 815 units of assisted housing.
Responsibilities included the development and implementation of
policies. Acted as fiscal agent, personnel director, property
manager, procurement and contracting officer. Managed two neighboring
housing authorities through a contract for services.
Assistant Director, Cambridge MHA 1984-1985
Section 8 Coordinator, Cambridge MHA 1982-1984
Housing Counselor, City of Cambridge, OH 1981-1982
Housing Services Inspector, City of Forest Park, OH 1979-1981
Harvard University, Kennedy School of Government Cambridge, MA
Senior Executives in State and Local Government
Fannie Mae Foundation Fellow, June 2004
Wheeling Jesuit University Wheeling, WV
Master of Business Administration, 1989
Miami University Oxford, OH
Bachelor of Science, Public Administration, 1979