Treasure Island developer
not required to meet schedule

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Pat Murphy
Copyright 2005
October 5, 2005
Recent contract extension for Treasure Island development has
no teeth to enforce its rationale, Treasure Island Development
Authority (TIDA) executive director Tony Hall said yesterday.
Although city officials publicly framed the extension as means
to pressure the developer to produce an essential document by
next June, the extended contract locks in developer right to delay
in producing that document through June, 2008, Hall told the Sentinel.
The all-important document -- known as a "term sheet"
-- is required by the U.S. Navy before it will deed the island
to San Francisco.
On recommendation of the Newsom administration, the extended
developer contract schedules term sheet delivery in June, 2006.
Yet the contract doesn't require that schedule be met, Hall asserted.
He pointed to a contract addendum as making schedule deadlines
"In the event of any inconsistency between this Schedule
and the Agreement, the Agreement shall prevail," the addendum
The agreement, approved September 21 by the TIDA board of directors,
extends exclusive negotiating rights to the developer through
June, 2008.
Although named exclusive development negotiator under the Willie
Brown administration, the Treasure Island Community Development
Corporation (TICD) set and missed schedules for producing a term
At the time Hall became TIDA executive director, on August 11,
2004, TICD production of a term sheet was scheduled for February,
However, TICD subsequently revised term sheet delivery to July,
2005, and then revised that schedule further to November, 2005.
Frustrated he had no term sheet in hand since August, 2004, Hall
urged TIDA board members to adopt stronger requirements of the
developer at its September 21 meeting.
Some 30 minutes before that meeting, Hall received a fax from
City Controller Ed Harrington alleging Hall established bank accounts
not formatted for full city administration review.
Hall disputed that allegation, and claimed it was timed to draw
attention away from Hall's criticism of TICD.
TIDA board members approved the extended TICD contract on September
21, which eliminated Hall from the contract approval process.
On Monday, Mayor Newsom told the Sentinel that he "isn't
interested" in meeting with Hall.
Hall will continue to make his voice heard, he said.
"They hoodwinked me. I give up a seat on the Board of Supervisors
- sure to be re-elected, top fundraiser in the city - and give
it up for something I believe in, and then they turn around and
pull the rug out from under me," Hall said of the Newsom
Perhaps without a rug to stand on, Hall yesterday went on to
use his voice suggesting a portion of TICD planned funding is
TICD funding calls for bonds sold tied to value of existing structures
on Treasure Island, Hall stated.
"They're falling apart. They won't be here in five years.
They'll fall down."
