San Francisco resolution calls on Congress
to secure immediate withdrawal
of U.S. troops from Iraq

A resolution calling on the immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops
from Iraq was heard today in a special meeting of the Budget and
Finance Committee. The resolution was authored by Supervisor Chris
Daly (left) and co-sponsored by Supervisors Bevan Dufty (right),
Tom Ammiano and Ross Mirkarimi.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
By Luke
March 12, 2007
A resolution calling on Congress to exercise its constitutional
authority to revoke the United States' commitment of military
forces in Iraq, and to set in motion the immediate withdrawal
of U.S. troops, was heard in a special meeting of the City of
San Francisco Budget and Finance Committee today.
Authored by Supervisor Chris Daly and co-sponsored by Supervisors
Tom Ammiano, Bevan Dufty and Ross Mirkarimi, the largely symbolic
calls on Congress to "discontinue funding for ongoing military
operations" and requests Congress to hold the Bush administration
to account for its "total failure in Iraq."
"While this resolution is just that, it is a statement that
the Board of Supervisors would make. Clearly there's a stake that
we here in local government - and local governments across the
country - have in this issue," Daly said.
"My intent with this resolution is to signal the feelings
of the City and County of San Francisco."
Committee member Supervisor Bevan Dufty said of the resolution:
"I think that the war is horribly bad for our city, our country
and for the world, and I appreciate you [Daly] bringing forward
this resolution to again put us on record."
Sixty three per cent of San Francisco voters approved Proposition
N in November 2004, a non-binding ballot measure calling on
the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq.
And in what can only be seen as a national indictment of President
Bush and his dismal failure in handling the war in Iraq, U.S.
voters handed congressional power to Democrats in November with
the hope of bringing a rapid end to the war in Iraq.
To date, 407 billion dollars has been wasted on the war in Iraq,
3100 U.S. service personnel have been killed, 23,000 U.S. service
personnel seriously wounded and/or maimed for life, and as many
as 655,000 Iraqi's have been killed.
Despite overwhelming support for the immediate withdrawal of
U.S. troops from Iraq, Speaker Nancy Pelosi continues to support
appropriations for the war while touting "no blank check"
for Iraq.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (file photo)
"It's double-talk. Basically she's got her finger to the
wind and it's the wind coming from the forces of war and continued
occupation of Iraq," Ralph Nader said of Pelosi on February

Ralph Nader
And acccording to news
reports Pelosi and other members of congressional leadership
today decided to strip from a major military spending bill a requirement
for Bush to gain approval from Congress before moving against
During public comment today Code Pink activist Vicki Leidner
said: "We had a vote in November when the citizens of United
States said we want a change, we don't want the war.
"And we have our federal officials absolutely ignoring the
call of the people of the United States, and I am very glad to
see that in San Francisco our elected representatives do hear
what the people are saying."

Code Pink activist Vicki Leidner
"I would personally rather see any one of you be my congressional
representative than Nancy Pelosi," Leidner added.
Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi said of the war in Iraq: "It is
clear to us that this is a misidirected, misguided and, frankly,
an illegal war."
The resolution will be considered by the full Board of Supervisors
at tomorrow's regularly scheduled Board of Supervisors meeting.
Update March 14: Supervisors voted 7-1 in support
of the resolution with Supervisor Ed Jew dissenting.