Bob Twomey launches campaign
for San Francisco School Board

Bob Twomey kicked off his campaign run for San Francisco Board
of Education
at Charles Hardy Hall yesterday.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
September 24, 2006
Bob Twomey kicked off his campaign for the San Francisco Board
of Education yesterday at Charles Hardy Hall, named after Twomey's
great grandfather who brought SEIU to the West Coast. Twomey's
grandfather, George Hardy, a member of the John Swett Elementary
school alumni, was once the International SEIU President.
And so it was fitting, that Twomey decided to kick off his campaign
in a familiar place, surrounded by his family, public school parents,
educators and administrators, brothers and sisters from the labor
community, former student-athletes, and San Francisco elected

District Attorney Kamala Harris

Supervisor Tom Ammiano

Tim Paulson, Excutive Director of San
Francisco Labor Council

Dennis Kelly, President of United
Educators of San Francisco

Supervisor Fiona Ma and Sal Roselli, President of SEIU's United
Health Care Workers West

Small Business Commissioner Michael O'Connor.
Twomey is a 5th generation native San Franciscan and a product
of public education through City College of San Francisco. Twomey
and his wife Cynthia have been public school parents for the past
15 years at John Swett and Lawton. He was the Chair of the School
Site-Council, PTA Parliamentarian and Parent Liaison to the city-wide
GATE Advisory Committee.
For 23 years, Twomey has been a coach and mentor working with
children and young adults throughout San Francisco. He developed
after-school programs, cross-city tournaments and summer camps.
"I have directly experienced the struggle of working families
up close and I began my weekend job at a local lunch counter during
high school. Over the years, I have worked as a dishwasher, janitor,
maintenance man, hotel worker, gardener and delivery driver. I
have also worked in and around the building trades for the past
10 years as a city employee, state worker, compliance investigator
and community organizer," Twomey explained.

Twomey's experience has taught him the importance of communication,
collaboration and community involvement, and he believes "the
school board and other interested parties must work together as
full partners, continuing to improve upon the recent accomplishments
achieved by our students, parents and educators."
For more information, visit

Hydra Mendoza
(right), also running for school board,
with daughter Ashoka Alvarez, age 10
and son Santiago Alvarez, age 8.
