Joe Alioto Veronese raises $100,000
for Senate District 3 campaign
Campaign takes 'Netroots' lead with most online

Joe Alioto Veronese with community activist Sharon Hewitt
at yesterday's Western Addition community rally with Reverend
Jesse Jackson.
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
From the Campaign to Elect Joe Alioto Veronese
July 9, 2007
SAN FRANCISCO Today Police Commissioner Joe Alioto
Veronese's campaign for CA State Senate (District 3) announced
he had raised $101,000 for his campaign. Alioto Veronese, who
only officially started raising money on June 13, received donations
from 191 individuals, most of which came from on-line Internet
donors. At the online Democratic fundraising site,
Alioto Veronese's campaign had taken the lead with 168 donations
"This campaign is about making room for the people and not
just the special interests. Our results are proof that this message
is resonating. I'm taking power away from the politicians and
giving power back to families," said Alioto Veronese. "My
campaign is a grassroots movement to bring much needed change
to Sacramento and people are responding."
In just a few weeks Joe Alioto Veronese's outsider campaign for
CA State Senate (District 3) clearly shows he will be able to
compete financially with both Mark Leno and Carole Migden in the
Democratic Primary next June. Alioto Veronese's report will include
a personal commitment of $32,000 loaned to the campaign.

Assemblymember Mark Leno, incumbent Senator Carole Migden
and San Francisco Police Commissioner Joe Alioto Veronese.
Joe Alioto Veronese currently serves as San Francisco Police
Commissioner, Member of the California Criminal Justice Commission,
Civil Rights Attorney in the Law Office of Mayor Joseph Alioto
and Angela Alioto, and small business owner in the wine industry
in Sonoma County. He is a Democratic candidate for California
State Senate District 3, including San Francisco, Marin and Sonoma