Joe Veronese to lead San Francisco delegation for
installation of Cardinal Levada

Joe Veronese (right), 11/8/5 file photo
Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
February 22, 2006
Police Commissioner Joe Alioto Veronese will lead a San Francisco
delegation to the Vatican in March, it was announced today.
San Francisco's last Archdiocese and US Archbishop, William
Levada, will be installed as Cardinal and prefect of the Congregation
for the Doctrine of the Faith during ceremonies lasting March
24 through March 25.
Mayor Newsom earlier tapped former Supervisor Angela Alioto to
head the delegation but duties require Alioto to remain in California,
she said.

Angela Alioto, file photo, 2/13/6
"As most of you know, I am the trial attorney in the largest
race case in the United States of America that starts on March
7th in Fresno California for two months. I am brokenhearted but
believe that everything happens for a reason," reported Alioto.