San Francisco honors women making history
Mary Rogers honored posthumously

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
March 8, 2006
The Commission on the Status of Women, Mayor Gavin Newsom and
the Board of Supervisors, together recognized 12 women for their
outstanding personal achievment and for their commitment to advancing
rights for women.
The mission of the San Francisco Commission and Department on
the Status of Women is to ensure the equal treatment and foster
the socioeconomic, political, and educational advancement of women
and girls throughout San Francisco, through policies, legislation,
and programs focusing primarily on populations in need.
Women Making History honorees:

Mary Ellen Rogers honored by Mayor Gavin Newsom,
awarded posthumously.
File photo, 10/11/5.
Mrs. Rogers was a woman of compassion and drive
who possessed a long and dedicated history of community involvement
and activism. She was a cofounder of the Western Addition Community
Organization (WACO), the facilitator of the Western Addition Project
Area Committee formed in 1969 as the first body in the nation
to advise redevelopment efforts from a grassroots community perspective,
and was the founding Chair of the Western Addition Citizens Advisory
Committee that continues to provide broad-based community input
to publicly-funded development initiatives.
Mrs. Rogers worked tirelessly to tear down the barriers
that have prevented fair and equitable treatment of African American
families, school-aged children, welfare recipients, minority businesses,
and community churches. Always the community advocate, Mrs. Rogers
served and volunteered on numerous organizations. Her civic activities
included serving as Secretary/Treasurer of the National Tenants
Association, founding board member of Westside Mental Health Clinic,
board member of Agape Outreach Center, Chair of the San Francisco
Juneteenth Committee, and parent volunteer at the Raphael Weill
Elementary School (later known as Rosa Parks Elementary School).
In addition to her numerous volunteer positions, Mrs. Rogers served
as a dedicated public servant for San Francisco through her tenure
at the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency and the San Francisco
Housing Authority, and received numerous awards from a host of
national and local elected officials. Over a lifetime, Mrs. Rogers
made significant contributions to the Western Addition community,
the City and County of San Francisco, as well as the nation.
Mrs. Rogers was a San Francisco treasure, who dedicated
her life to community service for the public good. Her legacy
is truly a gift to the people of the City and County of San Francisco.

Leilani Battiste honored by Supervisor Jake McGlodrick
Ms. Battiste has been a practicing attorney representing public
entities for the past 15 years, and for the past 4 years, Ms.
Battiste has served as outside counsel to the San Francisco Community
College District. Her focus in international law has been on human
rights violations in Africa, particularly genocide. Ms. Battiste
is active in local politics and community organizations, volunteering
for a number of political campaigns and causes. She is a former
Congressional intern to House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, and
is currently a volunteer to Supervisor Jake McGoldrick. She also
serves as a member of the San Francisco Park and Recreation Open
Space Advisory Committee.

Bernadette Boria Sv honored by Supervisor Chris Daly
Ms. Borja Sy, Executive Director of the Filipino American Development
Foundation, has been a key figure rehabilitating the former Delta
Hotel on 6th and Mission Streets after a devastating fire to what
is now the Bayanihan Community Center. She serves on the boards
of numerous community organizations, including the San Francisco
Veteran's Equity Center, the Tenants and Owners Development Corporation
(TODCO) and the San Francisco Filipino Cultural Centers, working
tirelessly to provide culturally appropriate social services through
the Filipino value of bayanihan. which means mutual assistance
and mutual caring.

Gillian Gillett honored by Supervisor Bevan Dufty
Ms. Gillett is the Co-Chair of the San Jose/Guerrero Coalition
to Save Our Streets, composed of residents, businesses, and organizations
dedicated to turning the dense urban area centered on San Jose
Avenue and Guerrero Street from a de-facto freeway into a vibrant
neighborhood. Throughout 2005, Ms. Gillett lead the development
of the Neighborhood Plan, and facilitated the participation of
merchants and residents in workshops and surveys on what the neighborhood
needs and wants for its own future. This past November, over 100
volunteers replaced concrete medians on Guerrero Street south
of Cesar Chavez with low-maintenance, water-wise plants and trees.

Katherine J. Pattison honored by Supervisor Sean Elsbernd
Upon retirement in 2001, Ms. Pattison followed her
passion for exotic animals and her desire to serve the community.
She completed the rigorous docent training course and has been
leading tours for hundreds of school children, specializing in
the Lemur Forest exhibit. In 2003, she was appointed the Docent
Liaison to the Board of Directors of the San Francisco Zoological
Society. As a member of the Board, she has been instrumental in
discussions on budget, animal acquisitions, and dispositions,
and has participated on a number of committees including the Joint
Zoo Committee, a public forum that includes representatives from
the San Francisco Recreation and Park Commission.

Darlene Mar (left) honored by Supervisor Fiona Ma
A licensed insurance broker, Ms. Mar is a strong
advocate of small minority business issues at the local, state,
and federal levels, aggressively lobbying for equal participation
and open access to opportunities. For over II years, Ms. Mar has
dedicated herself to addressing the issue of "no access"
and the illusive "equal playing field" for contracts
involving minority, women, and local business enterprises. She
has served on various advisory committees for supplier diversity
and "best practice" programs with the objective of improving
public policies on contracting issues, like the San Francisco's
12D Ordinance.

Dr. Nadine Burke honored by Supervisor Sophie Maxwell
Dr. Burke, Medical Director of the Health Parity
Programs at the California Pacific Medical Center, is a pediatrician
working to improve healthcare for the children of underserved
communities. Dr. Burke is opening a pediatric outreach clinic
in the Bayview/Hunters Point neighborhood to ensure that the children
there have an equal opportunity to grow up as healthy as other
San Francisco children. Dr. Burke,serves as volunteer clinical
faculty for the UCSF School of Medicine, and is a member of the
board of directors for the San Francisco Urban Service Project.

Melba Maldonado honored by Supervisor Tom Ammiano
Under the leadership of Ms. Maldonado, Executive
Director of La Raza Community Resource Center, the agency established
a reputation for excellence and innovation in the delivery of
services to the Latino community in San Francisco. Ms. Maldonado
has pioneered programs to help immigrant Latino women, families,
and individuals achieve self sufficiency and thrive. Ms. Maldonado
has distinguished herself for her involvement throughout the past
three decades in civil rights, affirmative action, women's rights,
child welfare, family policies, city budget priorities, voter
registration, and various peace and jUstice issues. Ms. Maldonado
is a member of various community, solidarity, and antiwar organizations.

Mattie Scott honored by Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi
Ms. Scott, the mother of a homicide victim, serves
as a beacon of hope to others who have lost loved ones and suffered
from violent acts. Working to bring mothers, fathers, and community
members together to stop the violence, she has organized several
programs, including, the Community Action Team March & Rally,
the "Peace Zone" neighborhood block parties, fashion
shows, and the San Francisco Healing Circle, a support group for
families of violent crimes. Through her many marches, prison ministry,
and Healing Circle meetings, Ms. Scott has touched countless lives.
Ms. Scott is a woman on a mission to heal the mental and physical
wounds of a generation.

Dr. Diana Tavlor Honored by Supervisor Aaron Peskin
Dr. Taylor is a nurse practitioner, an educator,
researcher, and Professor Emerita at the UCSF Department of Family
Health Care Nursing. She is formerly the Director of Women's Primary
Care Program at UCSF, the first women's health training program
in California. Dr. Taylor has been at the forefront of developing
the knowledge base in women's health and is currently project
director for a statewide project to improve early pregnancy care.
Dr. Taylor is an active board member and volunteer clinician at
the San Francisco Women's Community Clinic, a free clinic for
uninsured and underinsured women.

Teresita Gatan honored by Gerardo Sandoval
Ms. Gatan has dedicated her life to advocating for public health
issues. She has worked as an Operating Room Technician at the
San Francisco General Hospital for over 25 years. In addition
to being an advocate for public health issues in San Francisco,
she is an active member of SEIU United Healthcare Workers - West
(formerly SEIU Local 250), serving as Chief Shop Steward, Negotiating
Committee Member, Executive Board Member, and delegate to the
Labor Council. She has provided significant advice to Supervisor
Sandoval on numerous issues concerning both public health and
labor issues.

Diane Buchanan Wilsev honored by Supervisor Michela Alioto-Pier
Ms. Wilsey, President of the Board of Trustees of the Fine Arts
Museum, successfully chaired the $200 million campaign to rebuild
the de Young Museum. Ms. Wilsey serves on numerous boards, including
the San Francisco Ballet, the San Francisco Opera, Grace Cathedral,
and the UCSF Hospital Foundation. Ms. Wilsey is deeply committed
to philanthropic endeavors and the public good, and inspires friends
and colleagues to do likewise through her strong leadership and
commitment. In addition to her community and civic commitments,
Ms. Wilsey is the owner of the Rutherford River Ranch, President
of the Wilsey Foundation, and President and CEO of Wilsey Properties.