With Mishana Hosseinioun

Photo(s) by
Luke Thomas
September 24, 2006
Writing in The Fog
By Mishana
The City sleeps in
Ironed curtains pulled
Wind trickles
Raindrops stop mid flight
Skin of the bay rises in a sigh
Lights bobble
Windows slow dance
Asphalt weeps
Hills spill dirty secrets
Trees whisper white lies
The City forgets to make the bed
After itself
Golden Gate
With extra foam
Exhaust pipes
At rush hour
Blows second hand citizens
Through whiteness
To pasty cubicles
And White Out tubs
The City rides in the fog
And I write in the fog
No hands
The Third Sex
By Mishana
April 13, 2006
In the free flowing bazaar of our 21st century gender
economy, we float, neither fully men nor wholly women, but as
members of the comprehensive third sex. In many ways, we share
a collective skin, an elastic global organ of some sorts. It is
not to say, however, that every tenacious effort on our part to
differentiate ourselves from one another in getup, gait and gray
matter, is a futile and utterly unfounded endeavor. In fact, this
tool has served as one of society's greatest arms and shields
throughout history, whether in constructing incest and homosexuality
taboos to preserve 'orderly' kinship structures, or in branding
the Other or Beauvoirian second sex for purposes of patriarchal
supremacy. But that was so 1949. It may just be that the elusive
identities we create for ourselves and others today, in general,
are hardly capacious enough to encompass our full range of being,
especially in this increasingly globalized and interconnected
world of ours; if anything, they serve to compartmentalize us
not unlike items in a supermarket aisle, when really we are more
souk-material than Safeway. For that reason alone, being more
cognizant at all times of our vacillation along that universal
ID axis becomes our biggest modern day challenge. It is an imperative
Transsexuals must know this reality all too well, having been
unapologetically misplaced on the gender shelf by the Stork in
its haste during delivery, yet having subsequently taken to properly
re-shelving themselves at all costs. In choosing to make the grueling
trek toward self-actualization and trading in their days 'behind
barcodes' for a life in the fast checkout lane, these resilient
individuals have come to embody the ultimate art of cultivating
one's own garden. We are all-man, woman and hermaphrodite alike-to
one extent or another, wittingly or not, making that excursion
as well. Only now we can turn to our chameleon-like kin as the
sources of emulation and consolation we never knew we had.
It is common, for instance, for most women with any aspiration
to ascend to the male-dominated strata of power, to be in the
business of sporting short bobs and wearing the pantsuits in the
casa. With a pair of X chromosomes to their name, why stop short
of a Y, they are wont to question. As if females did not already
have their share of burdens, they have gone on to bear those of
males as well, and understandably so. After all, a glossy ponytail
has yet to make it past the glossies, and no Femmebot has ever
scored a Governorship. Besides, why let their bosom weigh them
down, so to speak, when they can just as soon grab life by the
jewels? All the same, today's Stephen-turned-Stephanie might have
a lesson or two to teach them about fully appreciating that which
only women hold in their 'cups.' Breathtaking gender illusionist
Cass might even step in to inspire nostalgia in each and everyone
amongst them for that long forsaken, fierce element called femininity
that once launched a thousand ships.
Long gone, perhaps, though liable to be resurrected, are the
days when a lounging Cleopatra would stir perfume with one gilded
finger and twirl an entire empire around the other. Here to stay
is an age in which men soaking their cuticles in bubble water
ponder how much more of their masculinity they can safely give
up to experience another such feeling of utter serenity and freedom
in their lifetime.
The Palestinian-Israeli Conflict: An Enduring Love
By Mishana
February 14, 2006
It takes but a slight stretch of the imagination to see that
the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, in all its heartbreak, is very
much a love story. That is, of course, if one chooses to perceive
the holy cup as half full, as it were. It is a tale of two peoples
and the beloved land they both, in a single breath, claim and
worship as their own. With these various dynamics acting in concerto
and inescapably escalating into the kind of passionate uprisings
typical of the current day drama, it is easy to quickly lose sight
of the love at its core and to simply take it for an empty glass.
Even though recent decades have led to some rock-throwing here
and bulldozing there, they have amounted to little in the way
of genuine peace and reconciliation between the two wild lovers
caught in between; their convoluted relationship is nonetheless
riddled with enough fiery zeal and irrationality to make for a
full-fledged romance. That handshakes, let alone establishment
of mere eye contact, seem all but imminent in their current, implosive
political relationship, would prescribe every more reason to excavate
scraps of affection from ongoing tensions and to wrench lightness
and humor out of the rubble of their everyday existence or non-existence.
Handholding aside, the flat-out denial of the other's presence
in the room, alone, could make a solid diagnosis of their chronic
These Israelis and Palestinians are your old, odd couple, too
plagued by early Alzheimer's to remember each other's name or
on which side of the "Wall" or "Fence" they
parked their car; they are oft jaded by the viciously repetitive
cycle of checkpoints that dictate their all-but-normal, quotidian
lives. Then again, they are not unlike your young, sweltering
newlyweds sprawled on their conjugal bed, too occupied, wrestling
for the spot on top to actually consummate the darn thing. They
are, in sum, a love struck item, at a loss for words-forget diplomacy-with
only their god-given bodies and shake n' bake ammo to turn to
when they want to get the ball rolling, so to speak. Ok, and maybe
a 'Molotov' cocktail or two to break the ice.
Many a love tryst is steeped in its due share of pain, suffering
and passion killings. Why then is everyone so surprised to find
this pair of weathered lovebirds' wading in a bloodbath? Such
is only a natural by-product of the desperate turn taken by their
love affair with their land. It is no secret that where passion
boils, there will inevitably be some steam and the risk of going
a bit off the head. Makes one wonder whether suicide bombers and
their sharp-shooting and sharply dressed counterparts are not
merely the misguided Romeos and Juliets of our time-star-crossed
lovers without quite an equal hand at Shakespearian penmanship
to cast them under sexy candlelight on the evening news. Whatever
the case may be, if this heated battle over the Promised homeland
is not some form of romance or another then it is certainly nothing
to write home about.
BEAT OF OURS: Ode to Jack Hirschman
By Mishana
January 20, 2006
to you
to the letters of your
first name
last name
all names
spell you
cast a spell
at once
never leave
a soul
do you
to the you and me in
under one big roof
of sky
to you
because poets are beat
Luther Kings dethroned
on death
are would-be Leonardos
roaming the streets, deranged Picassos
budding Oppenheimers straddle seesaws
to the
on your shoulders
white flag
of your mane
to you
beat of ours
just when we thought
the beat was
loose change

Phil-entropy: 'Tis the Season for Misgivings
By Mishana Hosseinioun
December 12, 2005
While it is every other humble soccer mom and CEO's self-proclaimed
moral, if not fiduciary, obligation to 'give back to the community,'
especially around the holiday seasons, philanthropy-in all its
purported altruism-can nevertheless be said to institutionalize
an arguably strategic vicious circle of dependency between the
haves and the have-nots. Instead of minimizing the disparity between
the rich and the poor, as it would logically seem to be doing,
the very act of philanthropic giving simultaneously serves to
provide the aforementioned binary with all the more raison d'être,
and to forever keep the white picket fence between the neighbors
in question freshly painted, so to speak. And as with all cases
of wet paint, this too has long been written off as a sticky subject
not to be touched-so, predictably, it has been left as such.
Paradoxically enough, for every charitable transaction aimed
at closing this wealth gap, there is a reaffirmation of goodness
and integrity on the side of the privileged, the one who gives,
and consequently, an equal and opposite widening of the perceived
moral gulf between the latter class and those deemed less fortunate;
hence a ready-made alibi for the perpetuation of the current hierarchical
world order in which we now find, and occasionally lose, ourselves.
Meanwhile, non-profit organizations seem to be the indentured
servants caught in the web of this kinship structure, evermore
beholden to the lottery of foundation grants and annual benefit
dinners that spell out their uncertain 501(c)(3) fates. Increasingly,
competition over pocketbooks and ripped checks is causing NGOs
to readily work at cross-purposes with those headed essentially
down the same path, and to effectively cancel out each other's
hard-earned sweat and tears. In turn, this contest works to hinder
all organizations uniformly, and thus, in the long term, undermine
their communal goal of realizing the likes of 'world peace,' 'democracy'
and what have we.
The inability, however, on the part of most organizations to
visualize their place within the larger scheme of things and to
carve out a space for sharing, trust, and collaboration accordingly,
is just one symptom of this enduring socio-humanitarian myopia.
Non-profits can hardly be blamed, for after all they are just
as busy as the rest of us, engaged in the mother of all obscurantist
diversions-fundraising-and must not be bothered lest they should
miss the next application deadline.
Mishana Hosseinioun is a student of both Rhetoric and Near
Eastern Studies at the University of California, Berkeley and
a longstanding intern in San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's office.
She is also the Program Director of International Convention on
Human Rights-a non-profit organization dedicated to the spirit
of collaboration in the new millennium. Email Mishana at
If Democracy Is The Answer, What Was The Question?
By Mishana Hosseinioun
In his 1762 work, Social Contract, the sometimes loved, other
times dreaded French thinker Jean-Jacques Rousseau asserts that
it is essentially the role and shared responsibility of citizens
to question the validity of the status quo and test the soundness
of the powers that be. To that end, he concluded that in order
to preserve their autonomy, people must first and foremost ask
themselves how they would like to be governed. In this way, by
their very own hands, a social contract or set of communally determined
codes of government conduct would be born, to put leaders in their
intended place from the very start-a place, which Rousseau depicted
as the obligatory convergence of humility, invisibility and seamlessness
in governance. Furthermore, a compact that proposed to privilege
the volition of the people every step of the way would also ensure
that power would not be summarily abused, as it has so often been.
The dramatic notion advanced by Rousseau that sovereignty emerges
from the will of the people as opposed to government is slightly
if not entirely paradoxical by today's standards. Such a prospect
trumps the contemporary, greatly over-simplified logic used to
deduce that democracy is achieved through the mere act of voting
and that democratically elected officials are by extension, automatically
democratic in their actions once stationed behind their bureaus.
This may even suggest that with no mechanism in place to lubricate
the flow of democracy in between election seasons, every time
citizens vote their conscience, they may actually be surrendering
a priceless and irretrievable piece of their agency to the ballot
Most probably, Rousseau would have hoped for this profound message
presented in his Magnum Opus, to have at least caught on, posthumously,
in the mainstream-a book, which in its time practically incited
the French Revolution but which, today, might easily sub as fly-swatter.
That Rousseau's line of thinking is scarcely to be found in modern
day convention is not a matter of incompatibility, neither does
it make a case for the existence of a form of ideological Darwinism
wherein philosophies are either bound to sink or swim in the 'think-tank'
of humanity; for the sake of inciting one less controversy, we
will just blame its current unpopularity on poor 18th century
marketing, and collectively pick things up right where Jean-Jacques
left off-no questions asked.
Mishana Hosseinioun is a student of both Rhetoric and Near
Eastern Studies at the University of California, Berkeley and
a longstanding intern in San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's office.
She is also the Program Director of International Convention on
Human Rights (formerly, The International Bill of Rights Project)-a
non-profit organization dedicated to drafting the 'Social Contract'
for the new millennium. Email Mishana at
Operation Katrina
By Mishana Hosseinioun
September 11, 2005
What do you get when you mix two parts deluge, one part wind,
a pinch of poverty and two tablespoons of hunger? Katrina, you
didn't see the violence coming either, did you? For better or
worse, the hurricane with the deceivingly sweet name that swept
the South actually shines some light for us on the root of all
crime-related epidemics from looting and drive bys, to war.
While the contention is not that all hurricanes are necessarily
conducive to the kind of systematic and widespread killing known
to Srebeniza or Darfur, this particular one is indeed a reminder
of our propensity as human beings, on one level or another, toward
comparable, hostile behavior. If anything, we now know that it
hardly takes more than 24 hours to turn a civilized population
of men, women, and youth into a vicious lot, even prepared, in
certain instances, to kill for their property and survival, unless
they are willing to be killed first. The universal quotient to
be derived from all of this is that when you have nothing left
to lose, you can, well, pretty much lose it.
Just when we in the United States thought we would descend like
saints to help other nations clean up their act, we are confronted
by the embarrassing reality of our own helplessness and crudeness
in the face of a similar descent upon our soil, and not to mention
the surprise of the ensuing ruin and destitution. To make matters
worse, a natural disaster such as this one, unlike the fateful
events of September 11, for example, eliminates the possibility
for a target of revenge. Perhaps, the anthropomorphic itch to
give a human name, and by extension, a human countenance to our
storms-a tendency which may even be lingering from our days of
idolatry-shows just how important it is for us to name higher
forces over which we have little or no form of mastery. In the
case of Katrina, she just happened to be one of our enemies, and
we like to name those too. Although, in afterthought, it still
would not be entirely out of the question to rule out global warming
and engineering mishaps, which only then leads us back to ourselves
as the culprits. We could, therefore, kindly choose to take this
opportunity to spank ourselves in silent retribution-on the bottom
line, that is.
Nevertheless, goodness undoubtedly emanates from such disasters
as well, including the kind of outpouring of aid and hospitality
displayed by bewildered onlookers around the globe; what is more,
if Katrina could be deemed to have a mind of her own, she too,
would have been considered well intentioned were it not for the
slight over-exuberance of her marine and otherwise life-giving
force. Yet like with all other life lessons that pass us by like
a storm, we are most likely too busy organizing our disaster relief
fundraisers to take notice of the chilling resemble of our fate
due to hurricane Katrina to that of all people faced with the
unsolicited storming of their land by overseas visitors that call
themselves Freedom and Liberation.
When Sentinel columnist Mishana Hosseinioun sees the bodies floating
down the river she knows its time to head upstream.
Mishana Hosseinioun is a student of both Rhetoric and Near
Eastern Studies at the University of California, Berkeley and
a longstanding intern in San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom's office.
She is also the Program Director of International Convention on
Human Rights (formerly, The International Bill of Rights Project)--a
non-profit organization located in the Presidio. Email Mishana
Grime and Punishment: from Guillotine to Gitmo
By Mishana Hosseinioun
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Prison is not so much the boxed-up notion it's made up to be.
French philosopher Michel Foucault, in his astute and cutting
edge work, Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison (1977),
illustrates the many incarnations undergone by incarceration throughout
Western history before becoming what we either cherish or despise
today as our contemporary penitentiary system. While in the past,
the condemned human body has endured a battery of gaudy noontime
executions by public dismemberment in city piazzas, the last couple
of centuries have paved the way for a brand new, albeit haunting
locus of imprisonment and punishment -- the psyche or soul.
While presently, in some parts of the world, old fashioned public
hangings are not entirely a thing of the past, most punitive practices
have since tiptoed their way behind closed doors and out of the
public eye, but not without seeping under the prisoners' skin
in the process. Everything from the sporadic abuse scandals that
get leaked once in a blue moon to the foul play potentially taking
place in prisons and detention centers at this very moment, might
all still pale in comparison to the once commonplace, exhibitionistic
abuse or downright, theatrical murder of prisoners; nevertheless,
even what today would appear to be the most unremarkable of prison
practices of all time, can just as soon be the most soul-wrenching
and psychologically traumatic of the bunch.
Why we unflinchingly refer to prisoners as persons deprived of
their freedom, for instance, is for the simple reason that any
punishment involving the removal of an already elusive concept
such as freedom from so-called 'hardened' criminals and 'cold-blooded'
killers sounds like a pretty generous and compassionate bargain.
It is precisely such relatively harmless sounding spiritual shackles,
however, that impede prisoners in their personal journey toward
character reform or eventual assimilation, if ever, back into
Ironically enough, it looks like in the throes of its own transformation
over the years, the penal system has also single-handedly masterminded
its proper mental breakdown, as it were, having at once been convinced
of its self-professed virtues, and all the while been riddled
to the point of madness with internal contradiction. There is
no telling where along its evolutionary path the prison might
come to recognize this self-defeating dichotomy and consequently
meet its outright institutional downfall. In the meantime, we
have only to wonder whether our descendents will ever, in turn,
reach for a dusty volume of The Death of the Prison (City Lights
Press, San Francisco, CA).
Sentinel columnist, Mishana Hosseinioun questions whether for
every school built there could be one less prison, and for every
additional prison built -- one lost generation. Email Mishana
Resurrecting Utopia
By Mishana Hosseinioun
August 11, 2005
Free health care and education, a democratically elected King,
and no private property -- such is a state of Utopia as fashioned
by Sir Thomas More, in early 16th century London. Not even Marx'
Manifesto figures into this forgotten Brit vision of a classless
society. Still, when five centuries later, we condescendingly
refer to something as utopian, lurking somewhere beneath our passive
aggressive remark is a concurrent resentment for the status quo
separating us from our desired, ideal state of collective being
-- the kind of resentment that all, including our inner real estate
developer, may contend with at one psychological level or another.
It is not to say that achieving Utopia is fundamentally advisable
or conversely, that it 'should not be tried at home;' rather,
the very notion of the ideal, never before having been achieved
in our documented, non-mythical history, must be redefined altogether.
As a species, our sheer terror of falling short of ethereal perfection
has led us to push the notion of perfect harmony so far off the
scale of realizable aspirations, that we are content settling
with mediocrity or flat-out inequity so as not to individually
trail off the map of socially esteemed standards.
Faced with no other outlet, this primordial fear finds further
release in an inflated sense of cool and superiority vis-à-vis
a bogey-idealism, reserved for consumption by rogue agents and
enemies of the state only. What is more, confirming everyone's
worst fears are those who dare think in the removed, idealistic
realm and who are subsequently thrown off the deep end -- Sir
Thomas More's head, July 6, 1535, being one case in point.
While some in smaller circles or in given decades such as the
sixties, may claim a Utopia for themselves, it is typically never
much more than a illusion of the latter -- a mere bubble to be
busted by the next cop or dotcom pinhead. Even now, cruising in
our respective economy, business, and first class airplane seats,
it becomes difficult to imagine a social plane in which all could
have the same legroom and delicious steak dinner, and never at
the penalty of the other. Instead, there will invariably be the
red eyes and their twinkling counterparts, the bloated bellies,
and satiated brethren, and never a communal ramp leading to the
aircraft to so much as risk an accidental run in between the divided
While each group of world passengers is destined for a distinctly
separate fate, some will argue that Utopia is only a chance upgrade
away, or in a decision as conclusive as blowing off last month's
paycheck on an extra yard of reclining space -- on the second
floor of the 747. In other words, buddy, Utopia departs at 0600
and often lands quicker than you can say more Bailey's please;
however, technically, not even skeptics will dare call you idealistic
for the next 12 hours and 14 minutes if they are also suspended
at 34,000 feet, doing 560 mph in no man's land.
Sentinel columnist Mishana Hosseinioun envisions egalitarian public
transportation bringing us one step closer to a realistic Utopia.
Email Mishana at
to get on board.
A New UN Human Rights Council: fait accompli or faux pas?
By Mishana Hosseinioun
Saturday, August 6, 2005
At sixty, the United Nations has hit its mid-life crisis and
it is perfectly reasonable that it should want a makeover. Rather
than buying a red convertible, however, it has opted for a little
nip here, a tuck there, and most predictably, a facelift. UN Secretary
General, Kofi Annan's 2005 report on UN reform entitled, In Larger
Freedom, outlines his vision to implant a Human Rights Council
in place of what he and others perceive as an otherwise `sagging'
Commission on Human Rights. Whereas the Commission is a mere subsidiary
body of ECOSOC, the Economic and Social Council and assembles
once every year, a Council would be a standing body, comparable
in constitution and level of authority to the Security Council,
and capable of meeting as often as necessary.
Despite ongoing criticism, the Commission on Human Rights surpassed
expectations in more ways that one when it convened for its 61st
and possibly penultimate session at the United Nations in Geneva
this April. While it regrettably failed to produce any decisive
action with regard to the fate of detainees in Guantanamo Bay,
for instance, it devoted considerable time to strategies for appeasing
Palestinian-Israeli tensions. Fair enough, statistically speaking,
but still inadequate by human standards, it may be added.
Although the fate of the present UN Commission on Human Rights
remains up in the air, it will most likely be sealed at the upcoming
General Assembly meeting in September. In the meantime, alternate
proposals for a Human Rights Council have been put forward-one
hopeful indicator of the possibility for compromise amidst contention.
Nevertheless, it does not hurt to question whether a makeover
would do more harm than good, or even help to improve human rights
conditions globally at all. Sure, at this point in history most
countries' human rights records could use a little bleaching and
ironing, but what has that ever done beyond removing surface imperfections?
Perhaps it is time for a change of heart and not just a wardrobe
change for the Commission on Human Rights-the seasoned peace-making
instrument that after years of respectable, hard work still overlooks
the importance of passing resolutions that hold much more than
mere symbolic and moral weight.
Sentinel columnist, Mishana Hosseinioun was presented with a certificate
by the High Commissioner for Human Rights and President of the
World Federation of United Nations Associations upon completion
of a seminar at the United Nations in Geneva on the Evolution
of the Commission on Human Rights earlier in July. In April she
delivered an oral intervention before the 61st Commission on Human
Rights, advocating on behalf of universal codes of conduct and
socially responsible transnational business practices. Email Mishana
Yes, Petronius, but where is it buried?
"Education is a treasure (Litterae thesaurum est)
-Petronius, Satyricon, (c. 60 C.E.)
By Mishana Hosseinioun
Thursday, July 7, 2005
It was the same roman writer who in later pages of his sole extant
manuscript to-date, Satyricon, wrote, I'm sure the reason
such young nitwits are produced in our schools is because they
have no contact with anything of any use in everyday life.
Today, Petronius might turn in his grave knowing that the tables
have not entirely turned since then-at least not in our classrooms.
While lines from his satiric piece could tragically apply as much
to life in the year 2005 as it did back in that of the 60s C.E.,
what will be left to a separate treatise, however, is whether
the nitwits of his days could measure up to ours.
From an archeological standpoint, these alleged nitwits have had
centuries to mature and calcify within our antiquated schooling
systems; a chilling prospect, perhaps, yet it may just be that
they are, in fact, justified in their nitwitdom. What Petronius
phrased more eloquently than any modern day school board member
was that schools inevitably manufacture apathetic individuals
when they fail to provide them with any tools for survival in
the real world.
What such enduring patterns in our culture teach us is that there
is a need for students to learn to build relevance between academics
and their own lives if they are to become well rounded, thriving
citizens of the globe. Ideally, schools-not the streets-are where
survival skills should be taught. The motivational gap that permeates
classrooms can be attributed, in large part, to the lack of tangible
incentives for learning, currently available to students. The
inability on the part of most students to find joy and excitement
in their studies, therefore, cannot simply be written off as an
unfortunate by-product of adolescence. The truth of the matter
is that our youth lie in the dark of the back alleys, learning
the things they should just as easily learn in the safety of the
back row of class, if not, the very front.
Either we think we already know why so many students choose the
streets over their diplomas, or we are not asking the right set
of questions. For instance, is it possible that the streets are
providing the kind of requisite knowledge-street smarts, as it
were-that we, as human beings, naturally seek in our formative
years and beyond? If so, it is clear to see why youth easily gravitate
towards this non-organized brand of education, otherwise unavailable
to them in the classrooms. How `misguided' their choices then
really are, such as spending minimal time studying, or even dropping
out of school, is thus open to debate. Perhaps, this population
of youth, once dubbed delinquents or nitwits by society, might
arguably be a generation more deeply dedicated to the pursuit
of real-life wisdom and intellectual treasure than we will ever
Sentinel columnist Mishana Hosseinioun plans to implement a worldwide
human rights educational curriculum in schools for one class period
on Human Rights Day, December 10, 2005. Mishana treasures education;
email her at if
you dig it too.
Good Morning America
Staying up all night is a form of civil disobedience
By Mishana Hosseinioun
Sunday, June 19, 2005
Staying up all night is a form of civil disobedience. I didn't
know it until I gave it a try in this chair by the window. I thought
I'd outsmart Julius while I was at it, and seize both the day
and the night. By 2:02 I really felt like an activist; by 4:49
I was practically verging on anarchism. By 6:15, I figured I would
likely emerge as the next Dalai Lama. (No wonder they want us
I got to watch the sky undress, just as it assumed the rest of
us had our eyes closed. I caught the moon with its pants down,
and the sun, red-handed, but not before witnessing the yawning
clouds taking a piss on our front lawns, then skirting along-at
which point the birds seemed to yell out something that sounded
like "get off my property!"
But it is nearing the time I would normally wake up. So I will
get up off my seat now and move onto a bowl of cereal and on with
my life. Besides, it's Fathers' Day and as a daughter I never
was the rebellious type.
Her Holiness, Mishana Hosseinioun, will be accepting emails at
Mishana Hosseinioun is a Politikon Zoon at the University of California
at the People's Republic of Berkeley and an intern in San Francisco
Mayor Gavin Newsom's office. She is also the Program Director
of The International Bill of Rights Project, which is true to
her non-partisan platform. Email Mishana at
You talking to me, Aristotle?
'Man is by nature a political animal' - Aristotle, The politics
By Mishana Hosseinioun
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
In questioning the relevance of such an utterance in San Francisco,
USA, today, we must first put certain things into perspective.
It is safe to assume that in the period of 335 to 323 BC, Greece,
in which Aristotle wrote The Politics, the expression, man, in
the general sense, did not concurrently implicate woman, or transsexual
for that matter, as it does in this day and age. In fact, Aristotle
made this pronouncement at a time when all women, homebound, were
neither considered citizens nor possessed any civic rights in
Athenian society. Still, it would take another twenty-some hundred
years after the famed philosopher's death for women to start gaining
such rights in the form of suffrage and birth control.
Call Aristotle a thinker ahead of his time, or a visionary in
the most prophetic sense of the word, but for a millennium or
two, man was presumed the de facto political animal, while woman
just sat out the political bandwagon altogether. Some may argue
she still does. I will argue that we all do-man and woman alike,
including every lesbian, gay, bi- or transsexual among us-even
in our self-proclaimed right-wing heart of hearts or ultra-lefty
core of cores. Otherwise said, the original definition of political
has been lost to us over time. So has genuine recognition of our
true, political anima or Jungian inner-selves.
Let's just say that, politically, we derailed a long time ago.
Revisiting Aristotle, then, may not be such a bad idea.
In Greek, the term politics or Politikoj is anything but what
it has come to mean today. Political is not about party lines
and campaigns and the scandals we have come to know all too well.
Instead, politics, plainly, and simply, has everything to do with
the natural, social beings-citizens-that we are, and very little
to do with the socially divisive turn we have taken in the twenty-first
century into our respective partisan cubbyholes. By Political
Animal or Politikon Zoon, which means `who lives, whose nature
is to live, in a polis (state),' Aristotle did not have red or
blue in mind; and most certainly, his idea of a political animal
was neither a donkey nor an elephant.
According to Aristotle, what sets us apart from all other intelligent
animals, such as bees and ferrets, is the gift of speech. This
ability in turn allows us to articulate our perception of right
and wrong, and by extension, justice and injustice. Thus, in keeping
with our discerning nature, let us not limit ourselves to the
artificial confines of a particular party or political organization,
when as individuals we are, in and of ourselves, our very own,
homegrown, organic and inimitable political body.
Mishana Hosseinioun is the Program Director of International
Convention on Human Rights (ICHR), a non-profit dedicated to drafting
a legally enforceable international human rights document. She
is a longstanding intern in Mayor Gavin Newsom's office in San
Francisco and a recent graduate of Rhetoric and Near Eastern Studies
from the University of California, Berkeley. Email Mishana at
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