Hope Johnson
Photos by Luke Thomas
By Hope Johnson
March 3, 2009
Matier & Ross ventured out of the Chron’s comfort zone Sunday, questioning Willie Brown’s Do as I Say, Not as I Do birthday plans. San Francisco’s own Slick Willie’s swank events all take place in Paris, France.
When asked why he wasn’t having the parties (yes, that’s parties in the plural) in San Francisco to help bolster our own economy, Brown responded, “I’m global.”
Translation: “Let them eat cake.”
Bad karma, Willie, bad karma.
Out of touch? Clearly, this political money machine hasn’t noticed changing public sentiment.
Viva la revolución! Progressives have a public relations opportunity here to use this to their advantage in the next election cycle, should this cavalier attitude continue.
Hey, even well-liked Mike Farrah, Director of the Mayor’s Office of Neighborhood Services, received a round of boos at last week’s Immigration Rights Rally, attendees protesting our rudely absent mayor gone Where’s Waldo yet again.
Loose Lips……
As for Willie’s own column this week, he writes of Barry Bonds, “Using steroids may be a big deal in other parts of the nation. But it ain’t a problem here.”
Aint a problem here? Dude, you just confirmed Bonds used steroids! Focus here on the brushed-aside but definitive “user” reference as opposed to the big deal slant.
Groove is in the Heart (of the Mission)
We’re going to dance and have some fun….yeah, and right out in the middle of 16th and Valencia Streets, too!
Staying tuned was a party, an unbirthday party, last week at Dalva. A gathering of policy wonks, writers, political activists, union reps, electoral candidates, a former sailor, and a clown – set the backdrop for a plethora of insider political exchanges.
An embarrassment of riches spilled out on to the street for a birthday dance with several critical mass revelers who’d stopped by on a music bike.
Even the local merchants joined in on the spontaneity turning 16th and Mission into a disco dance floor.
If you missed it, well, you missed it. See? Keeping up with political vibes in San Francisco isn’t always about a geeky viewing of the Board of Supes.
A Million Sophie’s Choices
At last week’s Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club meeting, District 11 Supervisor and Budget Committee Chair John Avalos described the current budget process as “a million Sophie’s choices.”
Whoa. A moment of silence, please, for such a vivid, enlightening description.
The budget committee expands from three members to five this Wednesday as the process of choosing which of many equally-necessary and life sustaining programs will receive inevitable budget cuts. In the Sophie’s chairs: Avalos, Ross Mirkarimi, Bevan Dufty, Carmen Chu, and David Campos.
Good luck, supes; no one needs to be reminded to keep this on their radar. New and old left and right leanings and their distance from center will all be on display in this dance.
Stay tuned.
Fun Fact
FCJ’s charming editor Luke Thomas discusses Don Fisher’s amended museum proposal with Christina Marie on her new show, Cross Talk, here.
March 3, 2009 at 4:04 pm
A “million Sophie’s choices” … but Sophie Maxwell isn’t on the Budget Committee. Sorry, I couldn’t resist making that joke.