Harvey Milk Club to Host Public Forum
on CleanPowerSF Project

Written by FCJ Editor. Posted in News

Published on March 02, 2010 with No Comments


From the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club

March 2, 2010

Tonight, Northern California public officials and clean energy advocates will hold the first public education forum on San Francisco’s CleanPowerSF project, which is planned to bring the City 50% clean renewable electricity within the next decade, at the same or lower cost than rates currently charged by PG&E. The City is now negotiating with energy service provider Power Choice LLC, on the final contract for the roll-out of the project; with negotiations likely to be completed by the end of this month. Once underway, CleanPowerSF will become the largest municipal renewable energy program in the United States.

Former State Senator Carole Migden (AB117), CleanPowerSF founder Paul Fenn, San Francisco Supervisors Ross Mirkarimi and David Campos, Sierra Club’s John Rizzo, and others, will speak and answer questions about this groundbreaking new project; and about recent attacks launched by Pacific Gas and Electric corporation to undermine both CleanPowerSF and other community based clean energy efforts throughout California.

The forum will be held at 6:45 pm at the San Francisco LGBT Center, 1800 Market St, at Octavia (4th Floor, Ceremonial Room) and is sponsored by the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club Environmental Caucus.

Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi, who sponsored the 2007 San Francisco ordinance implementing CleanPowerSF, said of the project, “As long as this nation is disproportionately reliant on oil and fossil fuels, we stand vulnerable. San Francisco needs to mount a smart, energetic counterattack to protect our environment, safeguard against energy market fiascoes, and put the utility customer’s well being first. We do this by empowering the public with CleanPowerSF.”

For more information see:



On PG&E attacks:


To reach the Harvey Milk LGBT Club Environmental Caucus, contact caucus chair Tom Taylor at 415-642-7788


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