Assistant District Attorney Rebecca Prozan. File photo by Luke Thomas.
By Luke Thomas
July 22, 2010
Candidate for District 8 Supervisor Rebecca Prozan announced today she will submit later today 3,100 signatures to qualify her candidacy for the November ballot.
Prozan previously qualified for an entrance fee waiver after submitting 1,056 valid signatures to the San Francisco Department of Elections, July 19.
She is also the first candidate to reach a $100 thousand milestone in campaign contributions – from 600 donors – elevating her candidacy to frontrunner status in the contest.
Prozan told FCJ she does not expect to file for public campaign financing unless the individual spending cap of $143 thousand is breached by other candidates in the race.
“This is going to be a hard fought election and requires a block by block, neighbor to neighbor campaign,” Prozan said in statement. “The signatures and the fundraising demonstrate our ability to organize.”
“During the course of the signature drive, I’ve heard directly that people want City Hall to fix City issues — reliable MUNI, safe and clean streets, good schools, and affordable housing – and leave politics at the door,” Prozan added. “Our campaign offers an independent common sense approach which voters are responding to.”
District 8 encompasses Noe Valley, Castro, Eureka Valley, Glen Park, Diamond Heights, Mission Dolores Valencia Corridor, and Duboce Triangle.
July 27, 2010 at 7:01 am
Ann, the photo of Prozan is a file photo taken April 13, 2008.
July 27, 2010 at 6:40 am
Hmmm. . . re Proznan; I just noticed she’s still wearing that Obama T-shirt in July, 2010. That speaks worlds.
July 26, 2010 at 9:02 pm
h. said:
“When Keys worked for Daly he was one of those aide/volunteers who used that little bit of power to lard it over supplicants. His campaign style is spreading vague innuendos about other candidates. He’d really be insufferable as Supe.”
Strange. I couldn’t feel more the other way about James. In one of my loopier moments at City Hall, and in life, I walked into Chris Daly’s office and asked James to deliver my request that he join the Appeal to Pope Benedict XVI to Rescind the Papal Bulls of the 15th Century. Never mind the loops that led me to that; point is James Keys didn’t haul out a can of bug spray, act outraged, or even act like I was nuts. He actually wrote what I said down, carefully and went off to leave it on Chris Daly’s desk or whatever. He did look up at me a little quizzically, but he wrote it down and went off to deliver it.
(Chris Daly told me that was out of his jurisdiction. HA!!! I enjoy telling this story to indigenous friends who are 1000% behind the Appeal to Rescind the Papal Bulls of the 15th Century, including the Bull of 1493, the infamous Bull Inter Caetera, in which Pope Alexander VI gave the whole “New World,” the Americas, to Spain’s Ferdinand and Isabel. I take this quite seriously when I’m not giggling about it, but never mind that.)
James actually listened and wrote that down, which tells me that he’s willing to listen to a lot of people, however curious, remote, or arcane their concerns may seem, without dismissing them out of hand, or scornfully—quite a far cry from what I usually expect from the insiders’ club at City Hall.
July 26, 2010 at 11:40 am
Meko and Walker are head and shoulders over the other D-6 candidates vis a vis longevity and actual record of working for neighborhood interests. Walker is a Democratic machine hack but deserves credit for all of the good things she’s done for the City. Neither unfortunately have a prayer against the Kim juggernaut fueled by Rose Pak and Randy Shaw. Shaw will turn out the dozen or so tenants he recruits in each of his 20 or so building … he gives em rent reductions to participate in his ‘leadership’ training which means they do political rallies on his behalf
Hey, I’m a realist. I’ve endorsed both Walker and Kim because they’re light years beyond Theresa Sparks but they’ll all be buried under the Blitz we’ll see in the Fall for Kim.
You can’t expect D-6 centric decisions from candidates mostly funded by interests outside the district. Only Meko gets most of his money from D-6 voters (me included – $20a month – and I’m poor).
July 25, 2010 at 10:31 pm
Fair comment h. about Meko’s business– I know nothing about it.
I did however wonder about it since the “great debate” for the Young Democrats when he went out of his way to say that he was not tied to the clubs; I could not resist using my curiosity as a departure to make a jab at those who are actually responsible for dumping ephemera– which we, the politically correct, must ultimately abide in the name of fair competition and free speech (and the realities of a crude and trivial culture), etc etc.
No harm done– so long as it’s recyclable.
As to meeting up with Meko, it’s not necessary because it is clear I obviously misjudged him and do not need to be further convinced.
Nevertheless, I’m hardly interested anymore meeting up with ANY Democrats, or anyone with even minor pretensions that the existing system works.
Puts me in a fix, but that’s how I feel.
“Our” system, not because of a lack of deliberativeness or earnestness, is a disgustingly broken system which actually works quite well for a few– the ones who can pick up a phone, and not get hope for action, or general warm feelings, but get “action”.
The rest of us– we have 311; better, seats on Commissions; best, invitations to Versailles.
Real Gold says “Enough!”
To the extent that Meko or anyone else says it and means it we should rightfully commend them.
July 25, 2010 at 11:38 am
Great post. I like your writing style and I’m an old English teacher. Let me comment on several of the candidates you mentioned.
Meko is gold. If you didn’t get satisfaction from the Entertainment Commission on a complaint you brought through him you can bet it wasn’t because he didn’t present it fairly. He’s simply outnumbered there and always has been. He’s the neighborhood rep there and the club owners tried to force him out a couple of years ago for standing up for folks like you. I won’t go on except to note that insulting his business is pretty weak. Go meet with him there and let him give you a walk-through. He and his partner are old fashioned craftsmen who have been at the trade for 3 decades.
When Keys worked for Daly he was one of those aide/volunteers who used that little bit of power to lard it over supplicants. His campaign style is spreading vague innuendos about other candidates. He’d really be insufferable as supe.
Prozan is a very nice lady who has been in bed with the devil for her entire political career. Not literally. I mean, other than the Dodgers, I don’t even believe in the Devil. But, Willie Brown will do and she’s been pure Downtown since da Mayor brought her onboard.
Doesn’t matter. All that matters is the Office of Mayor and I’ve got love in my heart for Gonzalez, Adachi and Mirkarimi should they run.
Go Gigantes!
July 24, 2010 at 3:49 pm
July 22, 2010 at 4:30 pm
Who are these people that end up running for office!?
$100,000… yow! (Let me peel that off!) How many cans does one have to collect to get that pay-off?
I just visited Prozan’s website… very slick…. and what a resume! (I don’t want to pick on her… because so many of the candidate’s websites are also boiler-plate perfect).
Why is it that I am not impressed? With her… or anyone else?
Why is it that I secretly want to see some real fuck-ups get ahead for a change?
This world, this country, this state, this city, all have REAL problems.
All these talented people that connect all their dots and know so well where they are going and what they want to do (in an oh so general way) really bug me because I foresee only more of the same… probably less and less of the same (our city budget for instance).
I’m tired of walking up Turk and seeing the same young forgottens glued to their crack pipes in a merry-go-round purgatory. I’m tired of the rich living in a world apart– NIMBYs and upward bounds with their god-damned cellphones and bottled waters.
Who really understands poor people, and their concerns? Who has basic common sense that can solve problems before they become Federal Cases?
How many miles, and in whose moccasins have these stellar wunderkinds walked?
I like that fellow James Keys who has an endorsement from Cynthia McKinney, and who appears to have drifted around, worked at a department store that later spectacularly failed.
He worked for Chris Daly– whatever did he do so wrong there?
Daly shows no favor to him by not endorsing him.
That is tragic and small to me– some loyalty. Who is loyal to anyone today today?
Then, maybe Keys was a pain in Daly’s butt… how are we to know? I hate political payoffs, narcissistic caution, and favoritism.
Then– I won’t endorse any Democrat– I don’t care how much I like them (Debra Walker)– or how politically correct they appear to be (Jane Kim).
Btw– Jim Meko was poor help to me in the past when I asked his advice about a troublesome club in SOMA. I saw everything– knifings and girls under wheels.
And bumble dumb off-duty police who couldn’t budge to save a life.
Perhaps Meko was too busy connecting his own dots with the Entertainment Commission.
I wonder. what does he print? Those crappy photoshop windshield wiper cards that homeless people working under-the-table distribute and dump all over the streets in SOMA?
I endorse people giving up the charade of democracy that we have her, statewide and nationally. I endorse their coming to terms with all the betrayals of their representatives in power and the future betrayals inherent to those aspiring to power.
For the very few politically-minded individuals who are solid gold real and fighting the system, I endorse helping them any way you can.
Who are those people? Hopefully we will have sense to know them when we see them.
But don’t even count on that anymore.