District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly. File photo by Luke Thomas.
By Luke Thomas
June 28, 2010, 4:16 pm.
Supervisor Chris Daly will hold a District 6 Symposium in place of the now defunct Progressive Primary, Fog City Journal can confirm.
Daly forwarded to FCJ today what appears to be a postcard mailer that we are presuming he will send to all registered District 6 voters.

D6 Symposium invitation.

D6 Symposium invitation.
Daly did not respond to FCJ’s invitation to comment on the development, but we can confirm the Symposium is scheduled for Saturday, July 17, 10:30 am, at the Herbst Theater – the same day Daly previously scheduled to hold a special Progressive Primary election.
“Please join Supervisor Chris Daly, community organizations, and residents from across District 6 as we look back at the past 10 years and glance forward to the future,” the invitation reads in English, Spanish, Filipino, and Chinese.
July 24, 2010 at 3:57 am
Maxwell is with us much like Dufty, 30% of the time. And her “leadership” on Lennar makes her a land-use and economic justice embarassment. feh……
July 8, 2010 at 12:50 pm
Maxwell is with us 50% of the time? Hell no, more like 30. Loved her mother, don’t much care a’tall for the offspring.
June 29, 2010 at 10:48 pm
I agree Jerry,
Daly rocks. I’m just a corner man giving him smelling salts and trying to get a good 15th round out of him. He’s done plenty already. I’ll argue with you on the ‘best politician’ moniker though. That’s Gonzo. Too bad he’s out of the game.
June 29, 2010 at 10:21 pm
I think the 6-5 majority comes from Mar, Chiu, Mirkarimi, Daly, Campos, and Avalos. I think Rick’s not giving Sophie quite enough credit -she’s with us half the time. So that makes what… 6 1/2? But then, Chiu’s not always on board, so maybe that does bring us back to 6.
I know that you wish they’d show more leadership on the war, and I do too sometimes. But it is only a city council, after all. Progressivism is measured more by things that they can have a say in, like renter protections, taxes, growth, health services, police and civil liberties… things like that.
June 29, 2010 at 8:15 pm
I just hope that the next D6 replacement has as much moxy as Chris did to take on issues that wasn’t popular and come up with idea’s that isn’t status quo. Chris gave me hope in politics when I thought we were doomed. I’m sorry to say that I will miss this one. I have made no qualms about my Daly koolaid drinking. It has been the tastiest drink I have ever had. I have never met a more honest pol in my life. And probably will never again.
In a city of extreme diversity, a city of extremes, , that enriches the rich without making the city better, that gives sweetheart deals to the special interests without serving the general interest.
We are being gouged for our money every time we turn around from trash fees to parking meters. We get too little in return. We are about to get even less as the mayor proposes slashing our services and raising our fees to paper over his over half billion budget deficit without solving any problems. In fact, he will make them worse.
It does not matter what your final conclusion is, as long as you show good dialectical analysis in getting there.
The main thing to avoid is too-easy acceptance and too-easy dismissal.
Initial, surface analysis: what are the ideas and values being presented?
June 29, 2010 at 8:42 am
So sad,
On so many levels. Chris did a lot for D-6 residents but he lists his gentrification deals with developers (on which they’ve already reneged) as his top accomplishments? The Daly I’m proudest of having known was assaulted and arrested by cops for protesting the Hastings Law School’s double-cross of an agreement for a 1 to 1 replacement of SRO’s they tore down adjacent to their campus. They wanted to build a garage. Chris fought and he lost and we lost with him and they get their garage but it was his finest moment.
For a couple of years he was the only supe who’d fight to bring awareness to the plight of the Falun Gong in China and around the world. He lost and we lost but I see this shining moment nowhere on this flyer.
Instead he celebrates his capitulations to Downtown (Trinity and Rincon) and minor PR crap. He’s lost perspective.
Obviously he’d already reserved Herbst and collected money for mailers. He can’t go back on either.
Is the guest list restricted and does it require a loyalty oath?
June 29, 2010 at 8:39 am
Where do you get that 6-5 majority?
June 29, 2010 at 8:27 am
According to Wikipedia, the word Symposium “originally referred to a drinking party (the Greek verb sympotein means “to drink together”) … but has since come to refer to any academic conference, or a style of university class characterized by an openly discursive format”
“Discursive” can be defined as “covering a wide range of subjects; rambling”.
Any possibility of bring back/combining definitions and making it a rambling drinking party?
June 29, 2010 at 6:17 am
Can we get some information on who paid and how much to rent Herbst Theatre for Boss Daly’s event?
June 28, 2010 at 9:30 pm
We need to keep the District 6 seat in Progressive hands. Any effort to do that is good. The Chamber and Gavin are dying to take away our 6-5 majority on the Board. To go back to the days when our issues regularly lost (and rarely got a Board airing) is not an option.