From the campaign to elect David Onek to the Office of San Francisco District Attorney
March 3, 2011
Former Police Commissioner David Onek.
Citing the clear conflict of interest created by newly appointed San Francisco District Attorney George Gascón’s investigation of alleged officer misconduct that occurred during his tenure as San Francisco Police Chief, former Police Commissioner David Onek today called for an independent investigation into accusations of illegal searches and perjury against several officers.
“There is a clear conflict of interest when our current District Attorney investigates potential criminal activity that took place at the San Francisco Police Department under his watch,” said Onek.
“The foundation of a safe city is earning and keeping the public’s trust. And that requires calling in outside agencies when this trust will be undermined by a conflict of interest, such as the one presented by these facts,” Onek said.
“Whatever decision Gascón now makes, he will highlight to the public his conflict of interest as the former police chief. If he decides not to charge the officers, the public will question if he did so to protect his former officers or his former administration. If he decides to press charges, the officers themselves will ask if he is doing so because he is a candidate for office and feels the need to show a tough attitude towards his former department,” Onek said.
“In the interest of justice, former chief Gascón should recuse himself and his agency from investigating the San Francisco Police Department in cases that occurred when he was chief,” Onek said.
Onek, a candidate for District Attorney, is a former San Francisco Police Commissioner and founding Executive Director of the Berkeley Center for Criminal Justice. He said, “If you are conducting a fair investigation, you not only review the conduct of individual officers, you also explore if this alleged conduct was the result of issues with training and supervision. No fair investigation of these facts can be conducted by the individual responsible at the time for that training and supervision,” Onek said.
March 11, 2011 at 8:46 pm
Sanctuary is NOT the problem, and it did apply to adult not just minors. And if you know Ramos’ age, he was a minor when he was “shielded.” When the US government and corporations stop exploiting other countries’ resources and people, then I might entertain this “immigrant debate.” But until our country stops causing misery in other countries, their citizens will flee here. Ramos was left in El Salvador until adolescence when his mother sent for him. I am sure she was working hard to survive, and he definitely found “family” with the wrong set of people. And when he got into trouble, precisely when there was a chance for intervention and rehabilitation, our juvenile “justice” system warehoused him and he failed to blossom into the person he could have/should have been. That is the second reason that this argument is so shallow and racist. We do not help our youth when the opportunity arises.
FInally, to the racist anti-immigrants, take it from me, I personally know undocumented immigrants, deporting them is not sending them in a capsule into outer space, they COME BACK! So if we rehabilitate them they would no longer be menaces to us or their native countries. I do not think it is OK for them to murder Salvadorans in El Salvador either!
BTW- my heart goes out to the Bologna family… I know that is a pain and loss that is unbearable but sanctuary is not the problem!
Onek for DA!
March 5, 2011 at 12:16 pm
Onek hid MS13 killers?
The press release didn’t mention that David was second in command to Kevin Ryan’s MOCJ and had a hand in procuring a 600k grant which he then got a third of for his Berkeley business by resigning his SF post. What’d they use the 200k for? I’m told that part of it went to shield young (they weren’t always juveniles – they lied about their ages) offenders from the feds. Word is that his programs kept Edwin Ramos in the country (Ramos killed the Bologna’s).
Think that could be why the Onek team isn’t mentioning their candidate’s time working with Ryan?
Go Giants!