San Francisco Supervisor John Avalos has not ruled out a possible run for mayor. Photos by Luke Thomas.
By Luke Thomas (Updated)
April 3, 2011
Supervisor John Avalos has not ruled out a possible mayoral candidacy, Fog City Journal can affirm.
“I haven’t completely shut the door on the possibility of my jumping into the race,” Avalos told FCJ today, adding that he will make a final decision within two weeks.
The development provides former Supervisor Chris Daly a temporary reprieve on following through on his pledge in February to enter the race should no other leading progressive candidate enter the race.
According to reliable sources, DCCC Chair Aaron Peskin and Supervisor David Campos will not enter the race. Peskin was until recently considering a mayoral candidature but family considerations took precedence over his final decision not to run.
Neither Campos or Peskin could be reached for comment.
Daly reiterated Friday he will enter the race if no other progressive candidate enters the race.
“I am encouraged by the news that Supervisor Avalos is considering a run for Mayor of San Francisco,” Daly said today. “His entry would transform the race and would be a rallying point for progressive San Francisco. John would make a great Mayor.”
“This past week, I did begin the process of reaching out to progressive and community-based activists to launch our campaign in the event another prominent progressive does not enter the race. Should John not enter, we will pull papers and run to save the soul of the City,” Daly added.

Saving the soul of San Francisco, former District 6 Supervisor Chris Daly addressed a throng of supporters at the DNA Lounge following his 2006 re-election to the Board of Supervisors.
Update, 3:00 pm. Peskin confirmed he will not run for mayor. Campos said he does not intend to run but left the door ajar. “Never say never,” he said.
April 5, 2011 at 6:18 pm
not that buster. it’s my former cat’s name. long before i heard of posey.
April 5, 2011 at 11:30 am
John should think this over carefully. He represents a politically diverse district. If he were to do poorly in a mayoral run, it could make him vulnerable in his re-election campaign for supervisor. Not that I wouldn’t like to see him as mayor, but it would be a long shot at best. He has more to lose than other potential candidates. A weak or poor showing by any progressive candidate would just make matters worse. We need to coalesce around someone who has at least 10-1 odds.
April 5, 2011 at 8:58 am
I hope John enters too. I like the guy. He’s good family man and certainly better than anyone presently in the race.
And, other than Elsbernd, he knows more about the Giants than any other supe.
Not that this matters.
Go Giants!
April 5, 2011 at 8:16 am
If Chris runs I have 2 suggestions for campaign theme songs.
April 4, 2011 at 7:59 pm
John Avalos’ expertise on the City’s budget alone makes him an extraordinary candidate for Mayor.
His amazing leadership on getting local hire legislation passed puts him in a class onto itself.
John is an incredibly ethical person, which is hard to find in City Hall. He is inspiring and I hope he puts his hat in the ring.
April 4, 2011 at 9:50 am
And, a major plank in the Avalos platform will be opposing pension reform? That said, I’d love to see John run. You think Avalos wasn’t considering this prospect when he and Chiu attacked Adachi on his budget a couple of year’s back?
It’s backfired.
Adachi for Mayor
Go Giants!
April 3, 2011 at 6:05 pm
John needs to keep that door open. He is clearly the most viable of any real progressive.
His record as D11 Supe shows he’s more than ready to create and implement thoughtful and effective policy and knows how to broker deals with all sides. His base was strong in the ’08 race and has multiplied and expanded well beyond his district since taking office.
Run John Run!
April 3, 2011 at 4:33 pm
I disagree H.
Avalos’ recent nationally groundbreaking victory on the mandatory local hiring law, gives him the podium, and the local jobs and prosperity theme, from which to launch a successful and progressive campaign for Mayor.
April 3, 2011 at 12:09 pm
These guys aren’t ,
ready for the big stage. Too bad. I’d say Adachi and Hennessey are the next two you should get to deny the mission next. We need 3 as the Mods will certainly be taking advantage of the IRV process.
Failing that?
Gonzalez might take Excalibur in hand again?
Go Giants!