Artiststes Matt Gonzalez and Tom Shultz pose for a photo, April 28, during the opening night of their joint art exhibit currently showing at a.Muse Gallery.
By h. brown
May 2, 2011
I always wanted to meet Matt Gonzalez’s mom and sister. His dad (named Mateo) came out for the last month of Matt’s 2003 campaign and he and I spent enough on scotch (his preference) and bourbon (mine) to afford the guy at the liquor store nearest the campaign a new sports car (only slight exaggeration). But, no mom and no sis for that adventure.
It took a 50th wedding anniversary to draw the entire Gonzalez family to San Francisco and, fresh from the airport, everyone arrived at the ‘a.Muse Gallery‘ on Alabama Street for the Tom Schultz/Matt Gonzalez art opening.
Mom’s an h. brown reader and describes my writing as ‘loco’. I don’t speak Spanish but I’m sure it must be a compliment. Sis is a lawyer with 3 kids of her own ranging from 17 down to, I think she said, 8. Little brother, Charles (Chuck) is a music producer and DJ who’s made SF his home for many a year. Luke Thomas snapped some photos of the event and I’m anxious to see them.
Collages by Matt Gonzalez.
Abstract paintings by Tom Shultz
Famous and infamous guests
Public Defender Jeff Adachi dropped by for a few minutes that turned into an hour or more which was great and I swear, he’s going to single-handedly redeem suspenders from the bad rep that Larry King has given them.
Mayoral Candidate Tony Hall was there and we argued about something but I forget what cause I was already tanked when Luke and Tony De Renzo and I arrived.
Tony and I go back a ways. He sang at my campaign kick-off in 2002 when I ran against Newsom for D-2 supe. I put together a house band that night that had Chuck’s band, Lessick with appearances by Neska on dramatic piano and Matt on bass and Larry Bob Roberts doing New Orleans piano and Frank Gallagher on banjo and Michael Moore on lead guitar. Andrew Lee, who was running for supe in D-4 at the time, was there and we tried to get him to sing one of his hit songs. I mention this because Friday’s opening night at the ‘A Muse’ reminded me of that party.
Tony Hall, Regina Gonzalez and h.brown.
David Campos hung out and had a great time and don’t think he’s not a possible candidate for Mayor. Gonzalez and Adachi too. No one is raising battle flags but none of them are waving white flags either. With no inside information other than knowing the 3 of them pretty well, I’d say we’ll see at least one of them in the contest in 3 to 4 weeks. People are talking about it to them pretty much all day every day as well they should be.
Tom Shultz, David Campos and Matt Gonzalez.
Tom Schultz drew a bevy of beauties as always ranging from Hope Johnson to a gorgeous blonde of a certain age that’s my speed … named Leah … caught my eye from 100 paces with a snug black dress centered with a bright red leather bow/belt and cleavage to make the Grand Canyon blush. I rushed to her side and told shameless lies for an hour or more as I introduced her to more luminaries.
h. brown, Hope Johnson and Tony DeRenzo.
Enrique Pierce of Left Coast Communications was there with David Ho who worked with Enrique and Sunny Angullo and Richard Marquez to elected Jane Kim to the BOS.
Enrique Pearce, h. brown, Leah and David Ho.
I talked to a cop (lieutenant out of TL station) named Joe Angle who’s buds with Matt and he walked me out and promised to get together with me in my SRO and talk about murder and stuff. I’m a real nut for all cop and lawyer and medical shows. Politics too, but I already live inside that live movie set.
There were several artists there who are in their 90’s and it’s amazing how good they looked. I guess to live that long you have to take pretty good care of yourself. If you see these pictures and know names that Luke and I left out, just forward them and I’m sure Luke will put them with the right shots.
Happy 50th to the Gonzalez’s
And, Go Giants!
David Campos and Matt Gonzalez hold court with a bevy of art aficionados and critics.
Tom Shutlz and friends.
Tom Shultz and friends.
Tom Shultz and Matt Gonzalez and friends.
International Relations scholar Mishana Hosseinioun and musician Chuck Gonzalez.
h. brown and Leah.
Attorney/author Bobby Coleman with author/artist Virginia Barrett.
Chuck Gonzalez flanked by Regina Gonzalez (right) and friend, also named Regina.
Curator David Sloane and friends.
Gonzalez greets fellow artist Debra Walker.
Collages in white by Matt Gonzalez.
Abstracts by Tom Shultz.
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