Supervisor Jane Kim and interim Mayor Ed Lee. File photo by Luke Thomas.
By Luke Thomas
August 1, 2011
Though interim Mayor Ed Lee has not, as yet, declared his candidacy to seek a full term, District 6 Supervisor Jane Kim confirmed today she will endorse Lee.
Asked if she would endorse Lee if he enters the mayor’s race, Kim told FCJ, “Yes.”
The development is significant in that it may answer the question of why Kim declined to endorse former roommate and political simpatico, David Chiu, when Chiu came knocking for Kim’s endorsement in February. It also suggests that Kim has known all along that Lee is going to run for mayor.
“[Supervisor Jane Kim] is not currently endorsing anyone in the mayor’s race at this time,” said Kim’s legislative aide, Sunny Angulo following Chiu’s campaign for mayor kickoff event in February. “As a general rule, she doesn’t make early endorsements. She appreciates that people wait until everyone gets into the race.”
So much for political reciprocation, Chiu endorsed Kim in last year’s hotly contested race for District 6 Supervisor.
Olague Denies Seeking Appointment to D5 Supe
Planning Commissioner Christina Olague today denied a suggestion that her co-chairship of the “Run, Ed, Run” campaign may have been inspired by designs she may have on becoming the next D5 Supe.
“That’s not why I’m doing this, seriously,” Olague said in response to FCJ inquiry following a “Run, Ed, Run” campaign rally on the steps of City Hall earlier today.
It has been speculated that should Lee enter the race for mayor and win, and D5 Supe Ross Mirkarimi wins the race for sheriff, Olague, for her support of Lee’s candidacy, would be rewarded with a D5 appointment by Lee to serve out the remainder of Mirkarimi’s term on the Board. Such an appointment would provide Olague with incumbency status over her fellow contestants.
Asked if she has ruled out a possible run for the D5 seat, Olague said, “I have no ambitions to run for supervisor, but I wouldn’t rule it out.”

Planning Commissioner Christina Olague
Speaking of D5 supe appointment possibilities should Mirkarimi win the race for sheriff, we’re hearing former D5 contestant and SEIU organizer Gabriel Haaland, and Community College Board Trustee John Rizzo, are both backing Yee for mayor.
As to who will win Yee’s affections should he win the mayoralty, it comes down to what’s more important to Yee: Haaland’s SEIU 1021 army, or Rizzo’s help in getting Yee the Sierra Club endorsement?
Quotes of the Day (at the final “Run, Ed, Run” campaign rally)
“Selfish pack of politicians. What have you done? Who are you to question the integrity of Ed Lee?”
-Victor Hwang, “Run, Ed, Run” co-chair.
“If Ed Lee wants to be the next Don Perata, he should enter the mayor’s race.”
– A source working on the Leland Yee for mayor campaign.
“This is my political family here. I recognize all these people here.”
– A former Willie Brown administration employee.
August 4, 2011 at 1:18 pm
@LizK: Luke already gave you the short answer to that: http://www.fogcityjournal.com/wordpress/2962/willie-brown-the-king-behind-the-pawn/
August 2, 2011 at 6:55 pm
I’m disappointed she didn’t endorse Terry Baum. What is Ed Lee’s platform again??
August 2, 2011 at 9:50 am
What’s next? The Jane Kim/Christina Olague endorsements of George Gascón for D.A. and Chris Cunnie for Sheriff?
August 2, 2011 at 9:15 am
All I’ve got to say to this promiscuously incestuous crowd is, “don’t drop the political soap in the electoral shower whatever you do.”
August 2, 2011 at 3:34 am
@Luke: I almost posted this to my FB page, but it wouldn’t post with either of your photos.
August 2, 2011 at 3:27 am
August 1, 2011 at 7:24 pm
Never take a politician at his or her word…
August 1, 2011 at 5:03 pm
Please don’t act surprised or shocked, a part of being a politician is having a long range strategy.
August 1, 2011 at 4:58 pm
They can all forget about being D-5 supe if it comes down to an Ed Lee appointment. He’ll lie just as he did when he said he wouldn’t run for mayor. After (and, a big ‘if’) he’s elected mayor and Ross wins the sheriff’s race (another, but smaller ‘if’ – it’s his to lose and his stand against S-Comm should push him over the top) … if all that happens, Lee will smile at Olague and Rizzo and Haaland and say, “I changed my mind again!” and appoint London Breed whom he planned to appoint anyway.
Go Giants!