Angel investor Ron Conway. Photo courtesy WikiPedia.org.
By David Waggoner
October 13, 2011
“You fucking fuck, I’ll squash you like an ant,” said angel investor Ron Conway to a tech entrepreneur who’d fallen out of Conway’s favor. (see “The Scariest Man in Silicon Valley,” Jay Yarow, Business Insider, May 12, 2011).
Known as the Godfather of Silicon Valley, Conway has been the playground bully for many years in the tech world. He was an early investor in Google, Facebook, Twitter and Paypal. He parties with Henry Kissinger and Arnold Schwarzenegger. His typical advice to CEOs: fire people.
Conway achieved notoriety in San Francisco last year when he told a group of business folk: “We must take our city back… This is about survival.”
Last year, Conway gave $35 thousand to the Yes on L campaign to criminalize sitting on a sidewalk. This year, Ethics Commission filings show that Conway has already spent $218,500 in San Francisco to support various conservative causes. A San Francisco Bay Guardian article notes Conway has given more than $320 thousand to Republicans since 1999. Like the Gettys, Warren Hellman, Dede Wilsey, Michael Moritz and the late Donald Fisher, Conway appears to be the latest member of the “1%” class who is spending exorbitant gobs of cash on a San Francisco election. All this is very interesting, of course, given that Conway is a Palo Alto venture capitalist.
Apparently, Conway believes poor and middle-class people have stolen the city from the super rich. He’s on a war path to take the city back!
Conway’s first recruit? Interim Mayor Ed Lee. Conway, a Twitter investor, has contributed $151,000 to support Mayor Lee’s campaign. Mayor Lee will have to look long and hard to find the right thank you gift for Conway. Or is it the other way around? After all, Twitter’s sweetheart tax deal – worth $30 million – was championed by Mayor Lee. As Twitter has very carefully avoided exceeding 500 shareholders, which would trigger public financial disclosures, we may never know the exact return on Conway’s $151,000 investment. What is certain is that Conway and other Twitter shareholders will reap a taxpayer funded windfall and new, highly paid Twitter employees will displace people who do not have stock options.
Conway’s $500 donations to Dennis Herrera and Michela Alioto-Pier seem like an insult in comparison to the six-figure sum given to Lee. Fellow venture capitalist Joanna Rees must really feel left out. Not feeling left out or insulted, however, is Supervisor Scott Wiener. Wiener’s unprecedented measure to allow the Board of Supervisors to veto the will of the voters – Prop E – has received $10,000 from Conway. Why would the Godfather of Silicon Valley want to veto laws duly passed by a vote of the people? Taking the city back from whom – the people?
Conway has also apparently taken an interest in law enforcement in San Francisco. Already mentioned was Conway’s $35,000 to harass homeless people (“It’s about survival,” Conway says). This year, in the DA race, District Attorney George Gascon got a mere $500 from Conway, while former Police Officer’s Association President Chris Cunnie got a whopping $25,000 for his race for sheriff. I’m no venture capitalist, but I will venture that 25K amounts to a “you fucking fuck, I’ll squash you like an ant” postcard to the progressive candidate, Supervisor Ross Mirkarimi. Again, why does the Godfather care about who becomes the next sheriff of San Francisco?
In a battle of the billionaires, we have Conway (welterweight, coming in at $25,000) and Warren Hellman (in the heavyweight class, at $100,000 contributed to date – super heavyweight, if you count the $200,000 he spent on an actuary) lined up behind Prop C, while Michael Moritz is bankrolling Prop D (super heavyweight, at $250,000). Both Prop C and D go after public employee pensions, the former championed by the Mayor, the latter by Public Defender Jeff Adachi. The billionaires have spent a collective $575,000 to ensure that city janitors have less to live on when they retire. Prop C has the remarkable support of the San Francisco Labor Council, the entire Board of Supervisors, Mayor Lee, and the police and fire unions. In a shocking twist, there is no measure on the ballot to ask billionaires to contribute more towards anything.
Meanwhile, in a move reminiscent of Hank Williams, Jr.’s comparison of Obama to Hitler, a recent television ad paid for by Hellman and others compares Adachi to Republican Tea Partier Scott Walker. Political insiders are debating this ad as if it deserved serious consideration. Local progressives argue about Adachi and Avalos, moderates argue about Herrera and Yee, conservatives about Hall and Alioto-Pier. As San Franciscans debate public employee benefits, the influence of nonprofits and which candidate is more progressive, moderate or conservative, the Hellmans, Conways and Moritzs – the 1% class – must be clinking their champagne glasses in toast to their fabulous success: another election bought and paid for, another cycle of smoke and mirrors.
David Waggoner, a renter in San Francisco for over nine years, is an attorney at the Alameda County Homeless Action Center and former president of the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club.
October 16, 2011 at 11:45 pm
Moritz is a Democrat.
October 16, 2011 at 7:28 am
Oh… and I almost forgot to say: Thanks for writing this, David. It takes guts to do an expose on a billionaire who threatens to squash people like ants.
Maybe we can see one of these on Michael Moritz too.
October 15, 2011 at 5:47 pm
Glad you see a “theme”- I do not.
I guess I am more interested in policy.
No issues with your concerns.
October 14, 2011 at 11:00 pm
There will be time for candidates, positions, and elections.
This is much broader than Bush tax cuts. This is about the way our whole society is organized.
Society is organized to benefit 1% of the population so that they control the wealth and power, and this is wrong. That is the central theme of the Occupy Movement.
I’ve been railing against economic inequality for years now, but in general, that discourse has been absent from the mainstream of America. The fact that America is finally waking up to this simple, yet powerful idea… this is profound. This idea needs to take root and be amplified, and that needs to be the *starting point* for any solutions going forward.
October 14, 2011 at 1:33 pm
Discourse about what? Sure – let the Bush tax cuts expire…what else?
Enough with the sloganeering. Get positions.get candidates/win elections.
October 13, 2011 at 8:14 pm
I beg to differ. I’ve been waiting a long time for this discourse. We NEED this discourse in America, and I’m so happy that the country is finally waking up to the economic injustice of gaping inequality.
You can keep your “rescue lines.” The billionaires aren’t donating hundreds of thousands of dollars to these things out of the goodness of their hearts. How about a ballot initiative to get the 1% to pay for the mess they caused? Now that would be a rescue line I could get behind!
October 13, 2011 at 2:07 pm
If you believe him,
If you really believe that he intends to “squash” you and as a result fear for your life? Under US law you can kill him.
Big Ron should watch his big mouth.
Just saying.
October 13, 2011 at 8:49 am
This 1% 99% thing is already tiresome.
Prop D is a rescue line – it doesn’t go after anyone’s pension. It would be great if more San Franciscans understood what a $7 billion unfunded liability meant.