San Francisco Planning Commissioner Christina Olague was today sworn in as District 5 Supervisor by Mayor Ed Lee. Photo by Olague BFF, Debra Walker.
From the Office of San Francisco Mayor Ed Lee.
January 9, 2012
Mayor Edwin M. Lee today appointed Christina Olague as District 5 Supervisor, filling the vacancy left by Ross Mirkarimi.
“Christina Olague is my appointment for District 5 Supervisor,” said Mayor Lee. “As a low-income tenant and immigration advocate, she shares my values in making government more fair and responsive for San Francisco residents. She has been a voice for our neighborhoods and has proven through her voting record on the Planning Commission that what San Francisco needs most right now is job creation and revitalizing our local economy.”

D5 Supervisor-appointee Christina Olague with Mayor Ed Lee during her swearing in today at City Hall. Photo by Kevin Reed.
Supervisorial District 5 is comprised of a variety of neighborhoods including the Inner Sunset, Haight Ashbury, Lower Haight, Fillmore, Western Addition, Parnassus Heights, North Panhandle, Anza Vista, Lower Pacific Heights, Japantown, part of Hayes Valley, part of Ashbury Heights and part of UCSF Parnassus Heights.
As President of the San Francisco Planning Commission, Christina Olague has spearheaded plans for growth and development in San Francisco and developed policies related to land use, transportation and neighborhood planning.
Olague is currently the Senior Housing Action Collaborative Coordinator at the Senior Action Network (SAN), an umbrella coalition of more than 150 member organizations representing more than 30,000 seniors and persons with disabilities. Through leadership development and community organizing, SAN empowers residents, fights senior evictions, supports homeless seniors, and advocates for improved conditions for seniors living in single room occupancy (SRO) buildings.
The daughter of a Latino farm worker, Olague grew up in Fresno and moved to San Francisco to attend college and worked in a number of San Francisco stock brokerages before pursuing a career in nonprofit. She worked for the Mission Anti Displacement Partnership, empowering low-income residents in the Mission District with education on planning policies and issues.
Olague has also been involved in the community through the South of Market Community Action Network, Board Member of LYRIC, an organization for LGBTQQ youth, and the Mayor’s Office of Community Development Advisory Committee.
In 2003, Olague was the Co-Chair of the Living Wage campaign (Proposition L), which voters-approved to increase the minimum wage in San Francisco.
Olague holds a Bachelor of Arts from the California Institute of Integral Studies with a concentration in Liberal Studies.
January 15, 2012 at 9:38 am
Here’s a Willie Brown classic, from his column in today’s SF Chron, 01.15.2012:
“Lee didn’t take my advice on this one. I told him to “appoint your mother” or someone just as loyal. And on her first vote, Olague voted against the mayor on the Sharp Park golf course deal. I understand she did it with the mayor’s blessing, as a way to show her independence. I would never have allowed it. You should not let anyone believe that whomever you appoint to a job is going to be anything other than loyal to you. Period.”