San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi. File photo by Luke Thomas.
By Luke Thomas
February 7, 2012
San Francisco Sheriff Ross Mirkarimi announced yesterday the appointments of three high-level positions in his administration.
“These appointments are a most important step toward addressing the enormous challenges facing our city with state prisoner realignment (upwards of 650 new prisoners added to our local jail population), chronic repeat offender rates, and significant budget constraints,” stated Mirkarimi via a press release. ” Forthcoming, more personnel moves and policy initiatives aimed at bridging the divide between in-custody and post-custody rehabilitation.”
Mirkarimi named Chief Deputy Ellen Brin to the position of Undersheriff; Captain Paul Miyamoto to the position of Assistant Sheriff; and Assistant Legal Counsel Freya Horne to the position Chief Legal Counsel.
Miyamoto was the rank and file choice in the race to replace former Sheriff Michael Hennessey. His appointment to third -in-command is expected to go some distance in assuaging any residual bad feelings resulting from Mirkarimi’s election victory over Miyamoto.

Newly appointed Assistant Sheriff Paul Miyamoto.
It is first time in over 25 years that both the Undersheriff and Assistant Sheriff positions are filled by sworn peace officers, veterans of the San Francisco Sheriff’s Department, according to the press release. All three appointees are long time residents of San Francisco.
Mirkaimi is facing three criminal misdemeanor charges stemming for an alleged domestic violence incident involving his wife, Eliana Lopez, on New Year’s Eve. The couple have denied any wrongdoing and believe there is a political element to the prosecution. His criminal trial is set to begin February 24.
Mirkarimi is due back in family court tomorrow in his quest to be repatriated with his wife and two-year old son, Theo. He was force-separated from his family when charges of domestic violence, child endangerment and dissuading a witness were first filed, January 13.
February 9, 2012 at 1:37 pm
My guess is that who the current Sheriff prefers to succeed him when he departs from office.
February 8, 2012 at 11:48 am
Good choice Miyamoto as Assistant Sheriff. Can anyone explain the choice of Ellen Brin as Under Sheriff?