Take Nancy Pelosi Off the Table
as Speaker of the House

Written by FCJ Editor. Posted in Opinion, Politics

Published on January 01, 2009 with 2 Comments

By Joyce Lynn

January 1, 2009

Democrats, it’s time to clean the House. Start at the top.

When the 111th Congress convenes in January, it is time for a change — a change of the Speaker of the House. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Ca) in her two years as speaker has enabled a pro-Bush, pro-corporate agenda almost as facilely and frequently as Republican presidential nominee John McCain.

In November 2006, voters put Democrats in the majority in Congress to end the Iraq occupation and hold Bush responsible for the war. But among the first things she did when she became speaker was take impeachment off the table, giving Bush a blank check to wage the Iraq war for two more years.

Showing disdain for those opposed to the war, Pelosi snubbed peace demonstrators outside her San Francisco home, morphing into Bush who refused to meet Cindy Sheehan and peace protesters outside his Crawford, Texas, compound.

Under Pelosi’s leadership, Congress gave Bush a half-trillion dollars for the Iraq war Pelosi said she wanted to stop. More than 1,200 U.S. soldiers and thousands of Iraqi men, women, and children have died since Pelosi became speaker.

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as Speaker of the House
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  1. Since Pelosi was re-elected with more than 70% of the vote, why would Democrats even consider dumping her as speaker? She’s a San Francisco Democrat opposed to the war in Iraq, which, because of the success of the surge, is now winding down. Note that just last week the Iraqi government took over the Green Zone in Baghdad and is now in charge of how US troops will be used in the country. Hatred for President Bush seems to put some folks in an altered state that blinds them to political reality. Will they push to impeach President Obama because he’s going to send more troops to Afghanistan?

  2. I missed which Congressman you think should take over the Speaker position if Pelosi is to step down (which she won’t by the way). Hm, you don’t seem to have any suggestions there. Great approach–rant and rave about Pelosi but propose no alternative.