Tony Guilfoyle, RIP Photos by Luke Thomas By Dee Kennedy December 12, 2008 On Thanksgiving night past, a rare gem with diamond sparkling eyes said his final goodbyes to his beautiful family and close friends…
By Paul Cornish, Chairman, Chatham House International Security Programme November 30, 2008 Quite apart from the scores murdered and the hundreds injured, what the Mumbai terrorists really wanted was an exaggerated – and preferably extreme…
Elaine Santore on location, Colma BART station. Photos by Luke Thomas  By Elaine Santore November 13, 2008 “Most peculiar, Mama” November 5 was a very long day for yours truly. I woke up early in…
By Neda Ulaby November 10, 2008 Grammy award-winning South African singer Miriam Makeba has died. The great-grandmother — known affectionately as “Mama Africa” — reportedly suffered a heart attack after performing at an anti-mafia concert…
Elaine Santore Photo by Luke Thomas By Elaine Santore October 28, 2008 In the daytime, Stow Lake in Golden Gate Park looks idyllic and serene. But nighttime is a whole different story: the calm waters…
 Thembi Mutch Photo by Luke Thomas By Thembi Mutch October 6, 2008 This week, amidst the chaos and sturm and drang of the economic world, it has been hard to focus on what to…
An Air Force JROTC student attends the Eyes Wide Open exhibit in Orlando, FL, October 2004. Photo courtesy Herb Snitzer/AFSC By Richard Stone, special to Fog City Journal 20 July 2008 In late June I…
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