Articles Posted in the Opinion Category

  • 2010’s Top Five Most Interesting People in SF Politics

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    2010’s Top Five Most Interesting People in SF Politics

    To Julian Assange for keeping the public informed on government actions whether good, misguided, or just plain evil. Be certain to catch the eye-opening movie Inside Job to fully appreciate the upcoming Wikileaks release of the banking and financial sector secrets. It’s the economic meltdown cause uncovered.

  • Palestinian Statehood to be Decided by UN?

    The last thing Israel wants is for the issue to end up in the UN. But why not the UN? Consider that at the creation of Israel in 1947, the UN partitioned the land, allotting the Jews 55 percent of Palestine. The Arabs did not agree to this partition. The action of the UN conflicted with the basic principles for which the world organization was established, namely, to uphold the right of all peoples to self-determination.

  • Death of the Celtic Tiger

    On December 7, 2010, Irish lawmakers narrowly approved tax hikes as part of an $8 billion budget “slash-and-tax plan” imposed as a key condition of Ireland’s international bailout. How did Ireland get into this economic mess? Because Irish banks engaged in reckless lending during an overinflated real estate bubble. Sound familiar?

  • Republicans Poised to Accelerate
    Climate Change Armageddon

    Senator James Inhofe (R-Oklahoma) and Representative Dana Rohrabacher (R-California) probably represent the views of global warming debunkers. Senator Inhofe called “the threat of catastrophic global warming the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people.” And Representative Rohrabacher called the science behind global warming “emotional junk science.” Even that eminent scientist Sarah Palin called global warming studies “snake oil science.”

  • Let the Sun Shine In

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    Let the Sun Shine In

    Every four years, there’s one political contest that dominates San Francisco’s political landscape, and for good reason. The Mayor of San Francisco is not just the most prestigious position in City Hall, it is by far the most powerful.

  • The Inanity and Insanity of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell

    We really need to understand what it means to deny homosexuals from openly serving our country. With our growing vulnerability to terrorism, it is simply disgraceful, dangerous, and counter-productive to our national security.

  • Time for Palestine to Unilaterally Seek
    International Recognition
    of an Independent State

    Israel must be pleased with the mid-term election results; it means there will be less pressure on Israel to resume peace negotiations. Netanyahu and his right-wing Likud party love Republicans.