Winston Churchill once said that you can always count on Americans to do the right thing, once they’ve tried everything else. I only hope that we all wise up before it’s too late to repair the damages done to our bodies if we continue to shut out other healthcare professionals simply because those in the media shut them out of our news.
Rafael Mandelman is a near consensus progressive candidate for Supervisor. He’s already endorsed by most progressive elected officials, the Harvey Milk LGBT Democratic Club, the Sierra Club, SEIU 1021, the CA Nurses Association, and the SF Labor Council. He will certainly add the Tenants Union and SF Bay Guardian to that mix. Why then would a progressive like Paul Hogarth cast aspersions on the Mandelman campaign?
There’s only one problem: He wants to load Jane Kim and Debra Walker and Jim Meko into his convertible with him and if he succeeds, the hopes for a Progressive victory in D6 will go over the edge with them. It’s not too late for Chris to change his mind but doing that can be like plugging BP’s raging well in the Gulf. Personally, I’ve thrown everything I have at him and nothing gets through that thick skull.
Already his critics are attempting to paint the BP oil spill as his Hurricane Katrina. Obama should take the initiative and use the oil spill as an opportunity to be the environmental president. I do applaud him for suspending consideration of applications for exploratory drilling for oil in the Arctic until 2011 and extending a moratorium on permits to drill new deepwater wells for six months.
It should be fundamentally understood that criticism of Israel’s program of Palestinian pogrom and the US’s demented foreign policy is not to be construed as hatred of all Jews or all Americans.
Earlier this year, Bay Area gun advocates staged frequent open-carry “meet-ups” at Starbucks coffee shops and other restaurants. People showed up at pre-determined places wearing their unloaded sidearms and hung out, drinking coffee or talking. Many members of the public, alarmed at the sight of people openly carrying a handgun, called the police. When the police arrived, they were only allowed to verify that the handguns were unloaded and, if it was, there were no charges.
At the time, I commended the Jewish Film Festival for showing the film. Unfortunately, some within the Jewish community see a “new anti-Semitism” when criticism of Israel is depicted in films like “Rachel.” I like to think that “Rachel” sparked a healthy debate within the Jewish Community about the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict. The mostly Jewish audience at the documentary enthusiastically welcomed the film.
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