Speaker Nancy Pelosi Photo by Luke Thomas Editor’s Note: We just received this comment from NeoConvict which has earned FCJ’s prestigious Comment of the Year award and deserving of a its own separate post. November…
Painting by Jennifer M. Kohnke By Stephen Lendman November 1, 2008 Despite his advanced age, the news came as a shock. An era had passed. On October 31, author, activist, actor, broadcaster, and mensch for…
By Terry Canaan October 31, 2008 Let’s take a look at the economic situation. Never mind the naysayers, the gloom-and-doomers, the glass-half-empty types, some of us are doing just fine. If you look hard enough…
By Stephen Lendman October 31, 2008 From too much of a good thing. From the 1980s and 1990s excesses. From the longest ever US bull market. Heavily manipulated to keep it levitating. From August 1982…
San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom Photo by Luke Thomas By Marc Salomon October 29, 2008 While the Democratic Party has followed Barack Obama and embarked in an historic shift away from DLC Clintonism, San Francisco’s…
 San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom File photo by Luke Thomas By Milkcluber October 28, 2008 Republican presidential John McCain got a surprising endorsement for his economic recovery strategy last week. It came when San…
h. brown Photos by Luke Thomas By h. brown October 28, 2008 The star witness refused to lie under oath. The chief prosecutor called the defendant a “liar” and said that he’d “intimidated witnesses.” This…
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