When Supervisor Scott Weiner claims that HP inhibits the production of affordable housing, Weiner is carrying water for the $66,000 minimum that was spent by speculative real estate interests to elect him. It is not the one unit of affordable housing that concerns these operators, rather the eight units of luxury condominiums that generate the profit that catches their attention.
See, Hennessey was the fallback to avoid a Mayor Agnos, who the Newsom team had concluded had reached six votes by Sunday. And Agnos was not wearing their jersey. In fact, he wasn’t even in the stands for them. Nope, he represented a game change they couldn’t accept because it would jeopardize everything from key commission appointments like Planning to policies like community policing to public power to local hire laws to sanctuary city.
The expletive-laden faxes contain graphics and language similar to messages Yee receive in April 2010 after he called for Sarah Palin’s speaking fee at California State University to be disclosed. Recently, the Pima County Sheriff’s Office in Arizona contacted Yee regarding the April faxes and a possible connection to faxes found during the investigation surrounding the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords.
There are concerns. The deficit will require sacrifices and cuts (but not the ending of the wars); the overblown threat of global terror is still alive and well, and our educational system needs a jump-start to catch up to other countries. It’s not as if we haven’t heard all of that before.
With an increasing number of neighborhoods being surveyed as historic districts and with recent efforts to landmark the North Beach Library, several significant city parks, and even roadway medians, Supervisor Wiener believes the time is right to discuss how to balance historic preservation with other important policy goals.
The papers show Israel was intransigent in public and intransigent in private. This raises the question as to why Israel would concede anything when the Palestinians were willing to concede much. When the Palestinians people and the world see what the Palestinian negotiators were willing to concede, there should be an outcry forcing Palestine to give up the peace process and seek international recognition of a Palestinian state with 1967 borders.
By Luke Thomas January 22, 2011 Though his name appears on the this year’s Potential Candidate List for mayor, available at the San Francisco Department of Elections, KCBS reporter Mike Sugerman says he is not…
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