Prozan previously qualified for an entrance fee waiver after submitting 1,056 valid signatures, July 19. She is also the first candidate to reach a $100 thousand milestone in campaign contributions – from 600 donors – elevating her candidacy to frontrunner status in the contest.
Keys is the first candidate in the hotly contested race to reach the 1,000 signatures milestone. If the signatures are deemed valid, Keys will be exempt from paying a $500 filing fee. The deadline for filing signatures in lieu of paying a filing fee is tomorrow at 5 pm.
The symposium attracted as many as 200 residents to the event. Most of those in attendance were eager to honor the man who, after election to the Board of Supervisors in 2000, provided a powerful and sustained voice for issues and causes that would have otherwise been ignored.
Politicians thirst for personal accolades, and just about any one of them would swoon over that passage in The New York Times. But over the last decade in San Francisco’s District 6, the more honest analysis is that our many victories– on the ballot, at City Hall and in the neighborhoods– have not been about Chris Daly. Rather, our success has grown from the strength of our grassroots community and a true partnership between those in the trenches and those of us they elevated into the halls of power.
Critics, such as San Francisco Labor Council Executive Director Tim Paulson, say Adachi’s proposal “attacks” the “lowest paid workers.” The “left” weeps for the loss of “progressives” such as Adachi and Matt Gonzalez whom they perceive as abandoning the people and joining the ranks of the downtown elite.
In anticipation of passage of a pension reform measure, Mayor Newsom has amended memorandums of understanding with police and fire unions that will reverse previously agreed wage concessions.
The San Francisco Tenants Union has been fighting for the rights of tenants and for the preservation of affordable housing in San Francisco since 1971.
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