Articles Posted in 2011

  • Man Dies Following Accident on Escalator

    Man Dies Following Accident on Escalator

    The man, aged 50, fell while traveling repeatedly up and down the escalator, San Francisco police Sgt. Michael Andraychak said. After the man fell, articles of his clothing became entangled at the base of the mechanized conveyance, a witness said. He was transported to San Francisco General Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

  • Avalos Candidacy Shakes Up Mayor’s Race

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    Avalos Candidacy Shakes Up Mayor’s Race

    Though it is early to have locked in official endorsements, Avalos said he expects to be endorsed by Assemblymember Tom Ammiano, Supervisors Eric Mar and David Campos, former Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin and former Supervisor Chris Daly. He also expects to garner labor union endorsements.

  • Avalos Confirms Bid for Mayor

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    Avalos Confirms Bid for Mayor

    It is the first time Ranked Choice Voting will be employed to decide a mayor’s race in San Francisco, an instant runoff voting system that can be used to tip the scales in favor of those candidates who employ a ranked choice strategy with other like-minded candidates.

  • POWs No Threat to US Populace

    During World War I, a relatively small number of POWs reached the U.S. and were located at Forts McPherson and Oglethorpe in Georgia and Fort Douglas in Utah. After the U.S. entered World War II in 1941, the United Kingdom asked the U.S. to house some German prisoners due to a housing shortage in Britain. The U.S. agreed. But we were initially unprepared logistically to meet the requirements of providing food, clothing, and housing.

  • BOS Photo Caption Action

    BOS Photo Caption Action

    Several Foggers have asked that I post more photos on FCJ. Apparently Foggers appreciate my photos more than anything else published on FCJ. So without further ado, the following photos were shot during yesterday’s Board of Supervisors meeting, the first meeting, I should add, when a Mayor of this great city attended a Board of Supervisors meeting (thanks to former Supervisor Chris Daly) to engage in formal policy discussions, as mandated by Measure C on last November’s ballot, with the legislative body.

  • Mayor Lee and Supervisors Form Technology Advisory Council

    Mayor Lee and Supervisors
    Form Technology Advisory Council

    Mayor Lee helped convene the group to evaluate how San Francisco’s current tax structure impacts companies’ ability to successfully grow jobs in San Francisco and to propose improvements to the current tax structure, while still ensuring everyone pays their fair share for City services.

  • Atlas Shrugged Revisited

    Whether or not you agree with the premise of Atlas Shrugged, we probably can see Winston Churchill’s point of view when he said that the inherent vice of capitalism is the unequal sharing of blessings; the inherent virtue of socialism is the equal sharing of miseries.