Articles Posted in 2011

  • Marketing and Promotion of Tobacco Products

    Smoking is linked with lung cancer, emphysema, and other diseases. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) each year about 443,000 people die prematurely from smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke, and another 8.6 million live with a serious illness caused by smoking. Despite these risks, approximately 46.6 million U.S. adults smoke cigarettes. And cigarette smoking costs more than $193 billion, $97 billion in lost productivity plus $96 billion in health care expenditures.

  • Hellman to Run for Mayor of San Francisco?

    The gruff and casual millionaire – who is not particularly given to public speaking – is expected to declare his candidacy in song while strumming a banjo on the steps of City Hall shortly before 11 a.m. this morning.

    Hellman, who is also the chairman of The Bay Citizen, will bar The San Francisco Chronicle from the press event, according to Hellman insiders.

  • Court Jester Rates Class of 2011

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    Court Jester Rates Class of 2011

    And, given it’s getting ready to be the beginning of baseball season and we’re cutting players and making them feel miserable and making others feel great … I want to rate the value of the present members of the BOS individually on a scale of 1 to 10. Again, this is only my own humble opinion. Not being a religious man, I don’t claim that these are actually the choices of God. Passed down through me, as it were. Not that at all. No sir.

  • Save The Rave: Electronic Dance Music Community
    Speaks Out

    Public comment afforded many people, young and old, the chance to say how important EDM, rave culture and its values were to them. They spoke of acceptance, hope, and celebration of life. One young woman pleaded, “This is like my family. If you take this away from me, I don’t know where else to go.”

  • A Walk Down Twitter Lane

    And up the street is the old Furniture Mart which Doug Shorenstein just bought for $110 million, so he can take advantage of the Twitter-inspired corporate welfare project that the current Board of Stupes is about to ram down our throats.

  • Zionist Extremist Hate Crime Against Rabbi Lerner: Third Attack on His Home

    Zionist Extremist Hate Crime Against Rabbi Lerner:
    Third Attack on His Home

    This is the 3rd assault on his home since Lerner announced the award to Justice Goldstone whose report on Israel’s human rights violations during the Israeli assault on Gaza in Dec. 2008 and Jan.2009 was denounced by the State of Israel and by the AIPAC-dominated House of Representatives last year. You would not have known about the 2nd attack, which was reported to the police but not to the media because Lerner had been advised that not giving the attackers attention might make future attacks less likely. That strategy failed.

  • Mid-Market Payroll Tax Exemption: Downtown’s Latest Land Grab

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    Mid-Market Payroll Tax Exemption:
    Downtown’s Latest Land Grab

    For decades, the stretch of Market Street between 5th Street and Van Ness Avenue has been a primary target for downtown special interests and their political allies. The slot between the Tenderloin and South of Market’s 6th Street had grown to be more alike its hardscrabble, adjoining neighborhoods than its past as a commercial destination. However, downtown’s plan to renew Market Street was always driven by their desire to line their pockets. With the needs of the neighborhoods not even a consideration, their grand plans to gentrify the area failed to take off.