Articles Posted in 2011

  • What Is Modern Day Progressivism?

    Progressives for the most part still believe that electing a candidate is an intellectual exercise that requires nothing more than a reasonable, intelligent argument. Watching progressives compete in the political marketplace is like watching our local high school basketball team compete against the Los Angeles Lakers.

  • Tony Hall Running for Mayor “to Return Local Government to the People”

    Tony Hall Running for Mayor
    “to Return Local Government to the People”

    Hall’s five-point platform includes job creation, budgetary responsibility, administrative accountability, public safety and sanitation – as well as providing San Franciscans “with a local government that is honest, open, transparent, and respectful in serving your needs first.”

  • Civil Rights Groups Pen Letter
    Opposing Tasers in San Francisco

    In a February 11 letter sent to the San Francisco Police Commission ahead of a rehearing tomorrow on the use of Tasers, the groups urge commissioners to “vote ‘no’ on any effort to bring Tasers to San Francisco. Tasers are highly controversial and ultimately will erode trust between communities and the police.”

  • Adachi Appoints Matt Gonzalez as Chief Attorney

    Adachi Appoints Matt Gonzalez as Chief Attorney

    The appointment marks Gonzalez’s return to the San Francisco Public Defender’s office, where he served as a deputy public defender from 1991 to 2001. He successfully tried many cases while in the office, including serious felonies, three-strike cases and life-in-prison matters.

  • Revolution Handbook for Americans

    n many ways the uniquely American form of dictatorship is far more sinister, indiscernible and powerful than classic dictatorships where one recognized person, military junta or family rules ruthlessly.

  • Is Qaddafi’s Libya Next?

    Demonstrations led to the downfall of President Hosni Mubarak in Egypt and President Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia. There are protests in Bahrain, Yemen, Algeria and new demonstrations in Iran. Repressive regimes around the world must be very nervous. Is Colonel Muammar Qaddafi’s Libya next?

  • FCJ Interview with Supervisor Jane Kim

    This is currently a hot topic

    FCJ Interview with Supervisor Jane Kim

    And in the first test of her political independence since her swearing in to the Board of Supervisors in January, Kim supported the appointment of Richard Johns, the husband of Willie Brown Institute Executive Director Eleanor Johns, to the Historical Preservation Commission despite claims that Johns is not qualified to serve as a historian on the commission.