Articles Posted in 2011

  • Mayor Lee Announces Strong Federal Support for Central Subway Project

    Mayor Lee Announces Strong Federal Support
    for Central Subway Project

    Environmental clearance for the project was granted by the FTA in November 2008. The project team has completed the design plans for the Guideway Tunnel which is the largest construction contract in the program estimated to cost approximately $195.5 million and will be advertised for bid by the end of this month. Design plans for the three Central Subway stations at Moscone Convention Center, Union Square and Chinatown are advancing and these contracts will go out to bid later this year and early next year.

  • The Tribes of Burning Man Release Party

    Tomorrow, February 17, a release party will be held to officially launch the book. The event includes a reading by Jones, speeches by significant figures in the Burning Man world, and a dance party featuring DJs from some of the collectives featured in the book, including Opulent Temple, Space Cowboys, Brass Tax, and Deep End!

  • Walk Like an Egyptian, Hosni Mubarak Resigns

    Walk Like an Egyptian, Hosni Mubarak Resigns

    Following the announcement, fireworks filled the sky over Cairo as cheers of joy and celebration rang out in Tahrir Square where the uprising began some 18 days ago. Citizens hugged soldiers showing their appreciation to the army for remaining neutral during the uprising and protecting the protesters from paid pro-Mubarak thugs. Though estimates vary, as many as 300 Egyptians may have been killed during the unrest.

  • Hall Expected to Raise $75k During Kickoff Fundraiser for Mayor

    Hall Expected to Raise $75k
    During Kickoff Fundraiser for Mayor

    Hall, who opened an exploratory committee in December to legally begin fundraising, told FCJ yesterday he is “committed” to running for mayor.

  • Mubarak’s 30-Year Hard-Line Dictatorship

    Throughout decades of brutal rule, Mubarak remained a steadfast US ally. As a result, Washington rewarded him generously. US administrations also ignored his crimes, corruption, and lawlessness, as late January released WikiLeaks cables reveal, showing Obama knew he kept power through ruthless state terror.

  • Drapetomania: A Disease Called Freedom

    According to Dr. Cartwright, the disease of drapetomania — peculiar to Blacks — justified the enslavement as a therapeutic necessity for the slaves and as a medical and moral necessity for their White masters. He claimed that Blacks who fled slavery suffered from drapetomania. At the time pro-slavery advocates believed that Blacks benefited from slavery and any Black who tried to escape must be crazy. The cure was a sound beating.

  • Egyptians Ready, Americans Unready

    Of course, the dictatorship in Egypt is far different than what the vast majority of Americans face. Despite liberty and freedom, our tyranny exists within an electoral, constitutional republic. But with a two-party plutocracy thoroughly corrupted by corporate and wealthy interests most Americans are victims of a dysfunctional, inefficient and unfair democracy. How ironic that in the nation with monumental gun ownership among its citizens there is no hint of people giving up on meaningless elections and taking to the streets in massive numbers to protest their corrupt government.