June 16, 2018 | No Comments
Speaking impulsively without consulting South Korea or the U.S. military, Trump handed a gift to Kim on that proverbial silver platter – an unprecedented give-away with his unilaterally deciding to end joint military exercises with South Korea.
April 13, 2018 | No Comments
Yet after the Orlando massacre, Ryan barely addressed the attack on the LGBTQ community by a Muslim, who pledged allegiance to ISIS.
March 29, 2018 | No Comments
The mentally ill and those with physical conditions should be a priority in any plan to homelessness in San Francisco.
March 01, 2018 | No Comments
The state of our gun laws is not because of the Supreme Court’s decision in District of Columbia v. Heller that established the “right of an individual to possess a firearm unconnected with service in a militia, but rather the power of the NRA on its members, Congress, and many politicians across the country.
February 28, 2018 | 1 Comment
Because of you, companies are already scrambling to disassociate themselves from the NRA. Best of all, it is becoming deliciously obvious with each passing day that politicians have finally – finally – met their match.
February 29, 2012 | 2 Comments
There are times you just hope you are wrong. Several years ago, I warned about parents needing to get more involved in their children’s lives, but it was not heard by enough people, whose voices just might have been able to prevent the recent murders of students at a school in Ohio.
February 28, 2012 | 4 Comments
According to court documents, Cole Hardware is one of two city vendors and one of ten co-defendants to have engaged in a conspiracy to bilk the city out of at least $100,000 between 2003 and 2007. It is alleged that Donnie Alan Thomas, a former SFPUC supervisor who pled guilty last year for his role in the scam, worked in conjunction with Cole Hardware employee Elizabeth Bradford – who has not pled in the case and awaits a preliminary hearing – knowingly submitted fraudulent invoices to the SFPUC with false descriptions of items purchased. The false descriptions allowed Thomas to conceal that he was purchasing items for personal benefit.
February 24, 2012 | 1 Comment
That was the takeaway question asked last night when as many as one hundred Golden Gate Bridge union workers picketed the Orchid Gala Benefit at Fort Mason, one of several celebratory events scheduled to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the world famous Golden Gate Bridge.
Posted in News
February 24, 2012 | 1 Comment
Club general manager Jerry Olson said the march is a sign the union is getting desperate. However, he admitted that many clients have canceled since the lockout, although he insisted the club has acquired new members and continues to turn a profit. He did not offer specifics.
Posted in News
February 22, 2012 | 8 Comments
The opposition brief, filed by Mirkarimi defense attorney Lidia Stiglich, argues statements made to police by neighbors, Ivory Madison and Callie Williams, are inadmissible under rules of evidence because they are considered “hearsay” statements.
February 22, 2012 | 2 Comments
SWIFT is the financial equivalent of the United Nations. It facilitates the bulk of the world’s cross-border payments. The member-owned cooperative has been described as the ‘glue’ of the global banking system with the value of daily payments using SWIFT estimated at more than $6 trillion. SWIFT is vital to international money flows, exchanging an average 18 million payment messages per day between banks and other financial institutions in 210 countries.
February 21, 2012 | 1 Comment
“Young people are being told that they just have to suck it up and live in a world without jobs. We’re being told that America can’t afford teachers, but we can afford CEO tax cuts. We’re being asked to accept a society that rewards wealth and punishes work. A society that makes it harder for young people to go to college. A society where hate is growing … It’s shameful,” said Liz Shuler, secretary-treasurer of the AFL-CIO, in her keynote address during the Next Up conference held last fall. “The economic and social problems, the hate and the fear we see around us this day can only be solved by a fresh generation of committed, smart, tireless and creative activists.”
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