Articles Tagged “baseball”

  • SF Mayor Announces Civic Center Broadcast of Giants Game Four

    San Francisco Mayor Edwin M. Lee today announced that Sunday’s Game Four of 2012 World Series will be publicly broadcast live in Civic Center Plaza for families and fans to gather and cheer the San Francisco Giants onto a potential World Championship against the Detroit Tigers.

  • Zito’s back

    Zito’s back

    Giants pitcher Barry Zito returns to the starting lineup tonight against the Pirates. Photo by Stephen Dorian Miner By Stephen Dorian Miner May 7, 2008 Barry Zito, the $126 million pitcher Giants fans love to…

  • Court Jester makes nice with Giant Grizzly

    Court Jester makes nice with Giant Grizzly

    h. “Court Jester” brown with Elaine Santore and Parker, a Giant Fresno Grizzly mascot. Photos by Luke Thomas By h. brown March 31, 2008 “They’re Baaaaaccckkk!!!” (Bulldog voyeurs America’s ‘other’ pastime) Go Giants! Go Grizzlies!…