The mentally ill and those with physical conditions should be a priority in any plan to homelessness in San Francisco.
Walking to my pottery studio last Sunday morning in San Francisco’s Castro District, I was stopped in my tracks by a growing crowd in front of a mountain of flowers, signs and candles. When I heard what had happened, my heart sank.
Getting the homeless into housing or shelters has been a “concern” or a “priority” for every San Francisco administration. Yet, the number of homeless keeps rising.
People with psychotic disorders who received court-ordered treatment for 180 days had significantly better outcomes than those who were given either intensive treatment alone, or a court order alone.
Whether you’ve been a resident for ten years, twenty years, or for generations – you should have a say about what gets built in your back yard.
African Americans in San Francisco are more likely to await trial behind bars than their white counterparts and face harsher punishment once convicted, according to a new study commissioned by the San Francisco Reentry Council.
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